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The drive to my fathers home in Colorado was long. Mom took her car with all my belonings while I drove my bike. When we finally passed the sign saying "Welcome to La Plata, Colorado" I let out a whoop of  joy thankful to be done with the drive. That whoop slowly turned into a groan as I read "Population 754". 

Pulling up to a gated home I was suddenly glad I had worn my thick coat for it was much colder here in  Colorado than California. Mom pulled in slowly ahead of me and rolled to a stop as I slid in beside her.  

While I collected my belongings mom rang the bell and then knocked immpatiently.

"That eager to get rid of me, eh" She just replied with a grim sigh when the door swung open.

"Mom! Quinn! You're here!" Cried my eldest brother, Caleb.He would be 24 now as he was 9 when they left. Next, I saw were the twins Josh and Garret. They were 21 now I think. Behind them were Tyler (19), and Liam (18). Mom stepped forward and they all hugged her. I guessed they didn't know why I was here because their smiles faded once they realised I wasn't going to join in on the happy family reunion.

Liam stepped forward soon enough and grabbed my bags."Well come on then dad's in the den"

We walked down a longish hallway until we entered what I assumed was the den since dad was working on his computer and looked up when we stepped inside.

"Hello Marcy, Quinnlynn" He said in his familiar gruff voice.

"Good afternoon Henry." my mom replied with the same short tone. The atmosphere was getting uncomfortable until a door was heard and a boy Liam's age walked in.

"Duuude wicked Ducati yuh got out there, is it yours?"The strange boy entered saying this until he stopped and noticed me in the room.

While he looked embarassed, I replied,"No, actually, that would be mine."

"No way girls don't do Ducati's" He was already on my badside.

"Excuse me"I said getting up into a defensive stance. My mom, knowing my history chose now to get up and announce her leave.

"Kay', I'm gonna go. Quinnlynn stay out of trouble and I love you" 

"Whatever" was my intelligent reponse as she sighed and walked dowwn the hall. I heard a door slam and the car start and then she was gone.

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