Chapter Five

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Nairobi Central was a bombed-out shell of its former self. Many of its schools and establishments lay in the rubble that no one had bothered to clean. After the first few explosions during the war's beginning, city officials tried to clear the debris. It soon became too much for their workforce. Shortly after the initial bombings came the mass exodus of civilians. There was no longer a need to rebuild. Not enough men or women were left to accomplish the feat or to support the local businesses.

African Meats differed from the norm. It was on the site where once the Ashkir Restaurant stood. The buildings on either side were once naught but rubble, yet the eatery remained virtually untouched. Its new owners expanded the footprint of their establishment, overtaking former, neighboring businesses and repurposing their materials. It was now easily double the size it'd once been. Its interior was redone with higher-grade furnishings and décor.  The restaurant now served as a place for high-ranking officers and the business elite to rub elbows. Or as the perfect venue in a war-torn city for a man to romance a woman.

Ife paused outside, looking through the place's large windows. Her gaze scanned the occupants to see if she could spot any of Zaire's inner cadre within. Twisting her mother's gold ring on her pinky with her thumb, she closely examined those in uniform. None were the African First's men as far as she knew. It should be safe for her to enter.

Stalling further, Ife took some time to smooth the black skirt of her low-cut dress. It ended just at her knees and was held in place by spaghetti straps. The time on the delicate, gold watch read a few minutes past seven.

Sighing, Ife wished their plans had been more specific. She wasn't sure if Nate was going to meet her outside, or if he was already within. His handsome features weren't among the sea of strangers. Maybe he was running late?

Bending down, Ife adjusted the strap on her six-inch, stiletto heels. They were pinching a bit. Using the move as an excuse to look behind her, she glanced to the left and the right. Blowing out a breath of relief when she didn't see any of Akinyi's goons, Ife placed her finger between the strap and her ankle, running it across her heel. Hopefully loosening it wouldn't cause her to fall on her face.

No one was in sight. It seemed Ife had escaped her apartment unnoticed. Kojo was likely lounging against her door, none the wiser.

Straightening, Ife sucked in a deep breath through her nostrils. Releasing it through her mouth, she grabbed hold of the handle. It was past time to see if her date was already inside.

Before Ife could pull it open, a smiling Nate was there, holding the massive wooden door for her. A maître d' stood aside, grinning. "I was wondering if you'd decide to run." He must have been waiting behind the entrance, out of sight of the large picture window.

"Hardly," Ife scoffed. With her heels, she was as tall as Nate. They'd be on even footing in more ways than one.  "I was checking to see if I was followed," she continued in a low tone so that the human wouldn't overhear. "It appears I've given my shadow the slip."

"Clever woman," Nate murmured, and a warm glow spread in Ife's chest at his praise.

Placing a hand at the small of her back, Nate walked Ife to a somewhat secluded table far from the windows. The werelion had likely come early to make certain the place held no threats. It was that male shifter thing again.

"Have you been here before?" Nate enquired after the server came by to ask what they wanted to drink. Both ordered wine even though the alcohol would have no lasting effect.

"No, this is my first time," Ife answered. There was a loaf of freshly baked bread on the table. Cutting off a slice, she buttered it and took a bite.

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