Chapter Six

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"Who was that man?"

For the first time, Kojo wasn't content only to follow. He walked beside Ife, peppering her with questions he had no right to ask. She ignored him and his interrogation. Lips still tingling from Nate's kiss, her tongue darted out to run along them. The taste of him lingered.

"You smell familiar," Kojo's words penetrated Ife's lust-induced fog. "Was he the one in your apartment a few days ago?"

Ife sighed and crossed an intersection. If the dolt connected the dots, Zaire would be sure to find out and step up his efforts to "win" her. Then neither she nor Nate would know a moment's peace. Her eyes darted to the tall werelion keeping pace with her. Would the African First kill the American, or would he have a lackey handle his dirty work?

With a huff, Ife thought Nate had brought it on himself. He knew Kojo was watching and what that would mean. She blew out another breath. If the American died, he only had himself to blame.

Still, Ife thought, she'd miss him. Her heart ached with the realization.

The thought and the feelings it induced shook her, causing Ife to miss her next step. She wasn't actually falling for Nate, was she? Never before had she been in love, so she had no knowledge of what name to put to her current emotions.

Beside her, Kojo nattered on, blissfully unaware of anything other than the dire points he felt the need to make. Ife ignored his words as he did her stumble. He was single-minded, this lackey.

Pausing outside her building, Ife gave Kojo a look. Eventually, he wound down and glared back at her. With a last, "You'd better not see that man again," he left. She knew he wouldn't go far and would follow a few moments later to sit sentinel outside of her apartment.

Pulling the door open with more force than necessary, Ife entered the foyer. Her building didn't have a doorman or other security measures. It barely had a functioning supervisor. She was lucky she was an independent woman of the modern world, living in such a place. Just last week, she'd repaired the sink. It'd backed up from a clog, causing a disgusting, stinking mess.

As she unlocked her door, Ife's mind returned to Nate and their date. Why had he kissed her, she wondered for the hundredth time? Was he staking a claim, knowing Kojo watched them from afar?

Ife waited for anger and distrust to come to the fore. As she put the kettle on for tea, those emotions never came. Instead, a warm glow welled in her chest. Rubbing the spot with the knuckles of one hand, the other reached into the cupboard for a mug.

Placing the mug on the beige Formica top, Ife stared blindly at the counter.  Her hands came up and braced themselves on the edge. Head hanging down, she realized she no longer recognized herself. The Ife of old was self-assured, independent and needed no man in her life. Nate was quickly filling a void within her that she'd never been aware existed. Her outer shell had even cracked enough to show him one of her inner vulnerabilities.

The kettle whistled, startling Ife. "Dammit," she swore and turned off the burner. She was no longer in the mood for tea. Putting the mug away, she went into the bathroom and washed off her makeup. Padding to her room, she undressed and then climbed into bed. Closing her eyes, Ife waited for sleep to rescue her from her tumultuous thoughts.  When slumber finally claimed her, it was apparent she couldn't escape the sexy, enigmatic Nate even then.

Ife dreamed of a massive lion chasing her through fields of acacia blossoms. The trees themselves were nowhere in sight in the open, flower-covered meadow. Once the beast caught her in his gentle paws, she rose up to a vibrantly blue sky in his embrace. Upon reaching the sun, they floated back down to earth. When they landed, it was Nate who was holding her. Then, he lay her down in those flower-covered fields. In the midst of the sweet-smelling blossoms, they made love.

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