A New Friend for Darius {Part 4 of 4}

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The boys heard the door to the mudroom slam, and they hurried into the closet, hiding the dolly, and leaving the door ajar so that they could see.

"What the ever living fuck?" demanded Father quietly as he looked at the two bodies lying in his bed, "Should have known what that bitch would do."

Father walked to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer, removing his revolver and a box of bullets. He glared at the bed, his breathing coming in angry snorts as he chambered six bullets. The click of the cylinder elicited a faint moan from Mother.

Theodore watched, unable to think as Father stood at the foot of the bed pointing the gun at each of them, seemingly indecisive about who would feel the wrath of his anger first. The barrel stopped moving as he lined it up with Mr. Patterson's chest. His wife bolted upright screaming as two quickly fired shots ripped into the unconscious man's chest.

Mother screamed as Father swung the weapon, pointing it at her.

The projectile bore a hole through her forehead, and blood splattered against the wall behind her. Mother fell back, her eyes looking toward the heaven she didn't deserve to see.

The boys watched as Father stood staring at the dead bodies. Despite his overwhelming desire to vomit and run, Theodore held his brother's arm to ensure that the child didn't rashly bolt into the room.

Father tossed the gun into the bottom drawer and turned back around to spew obscenities at the adulterous couple in his bed.

"And now, what the hell am I supposed to do with that other worthless child that you bore?" inquired Father as his rage diminished, "Two pathetic offspring, neither worth a stinking pile of shit."

Darius ripped his arm from Theodore's grip and quickly tiptoed to the dresser, removing the gun from where it landed.

"Hello, Father," said Darius leveling the revolver at the man, "did you miss me?"

"No, No, No! What the fuck?" stammered Father, spinning around with his face painted with fear upon seeing the apparition of his dead son, "You can't be real. What the hell is going on here?"

Theodore stepped out of the closet and looked at the confused and terrified man standing at the foot of the bed. Father's face reflected his inability to comprehend how the vision of the child that he'd killed stood before him. Sympathy might be warranted, but Theodore couldn't find anything but disappointment and resentment.

"Hehehehe, I'm free!" giggled a young girl's voice as the lamp on Father's nightstand crashed to the floor, "Darius, I'm finally here!"

Father's head spun around, scanning the room to locate another child, but he could only see two boys. The man's jaw clenched tightly, and he snorted at the boys, "What game are you little monsters playing?"

Darius tilted his head toward his older brother, his eyes red with fury and face erupting in a villainous smile. Theodore nodded affirmatively to the ghastly little boy holding the revolver.

Father buckled to the ground as the bullet smashed through his kneecap. His fall and scream shook the room, "you fucking nightmares!"

Darius walked closer to Father as the infuriated man attempted to push himself towards the bathroom and away from the demonic creature holding the gun. The boy pointed the revolver's barrel directly at Father's head, "my nightmare started when you killed me, yours will start today."

"No, no, no, please don't," begged Father, his tone changing with the realization of the danger that he was in, "Have mercy, I beg you."

A cruel grin spread across Darius' lips, and he giggled while he responded, "Okay Father, but now it's time to play."

Theodore watched the bite marks appear on Father's neck and the blood spurting out into the materializing mouth of the little girl. He sighed heavily, leaving the gruesome scene and heading down the stairs.

Huge raindrops poured down fiercely, beating against everything in waves outside the house. The water felt clean, pelting against his head when he stepped out of his home for the very last time.

"Theodore," came the little boy's voice from behind him.

"Yes, Darius?" he replied, turning around and letting the water drip down his face rather than return to the house.

"Thank you," said the little boy sheepishly, "You're the best brother ever."

For a moment, the boy's eyes seemed to turn green and morph back to the innocent eyes of a child. Theodore looked into those eyes, hoping to see the Darius that he loved and remembered so well.

A nearby strike of lightning lit up the sky, electrifying the air, and Theodore flinched, clamping his eyes closed in fright. When he looked back towards the door, Darius' eyes blazed deep red, and a malevolent smile dominated his face.

"Goodbye, Darius," Theodore said with a hint of sadness. It was his brother, but it wasn't his brother.

The engine of the German sedan roared to life again, and Theodore drove to the end of the driveway. He looked back into the house through the large bay window, shrugging and sighing as two small children jumped on the sofa in the front room.

"Have fun playing with your new friend," he said out loud, turning out of the driveway and accelerating as quickly as the car would go.

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