Memories and Comfort

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One of the things about the Quantum Abyss that Keith hated was the times it showed his father, He hated it because it made him wish that things would go back to being the way they used to, when he still believed that no one would hurt him, when he could still smile brightly in the morning and look forward to the day. When he could still see his father's smiling face as he said good morning to him. When he didn't have the memory of watching his father run back into the burning building, running in and never walking out.

He hated it because it made him wish things that would never come true. Every time he saw his father in the Quantum Abyss, He would have to hold back tears. Because, He was suppose to be strong, He wasn't suppose to cry, only the weak cried. And besides, why would he ever cry in front of Krolia? She wouldn't approve it.

Krolia.....Keith couldn't help but feel bad for her, her lover, the man she had wished to see again ever since she left Earth, was never going to be with her again, and Keith knew that the thought killed the woman in the inside. But still....she never cried, at least she would try not to in front of Keith. She would cry quietly when she thought Keith wasn't looking.

But Keith was looking at Krolia, and he felt horrible. What if he had stopped his father from going into the building? Would he still have been with them? Keith always stopped himself from thinking too much about it.

Every time Keith noticed that Krolia had been crying, He wished he could comfort her. But luckily, He didn't have to.

Somehow, Kosmo, the space wolf Keith and his mother found was able to tell when Krolia was upset, The wolf would wrap himself around Krolia and allow the distressed woman to cry into his soft fur. He would try to comfort her but also knew when the galra woman wanted to be alone.

Kosmo also knew when Keith was sad too. He would give him comforting licks and cuddle with him. He would give Keith a silent offer of crying onto him when the wolf saw that he was upset, but of course, Keith would always decline and simply hug the animal.

Keith would never cry. But that was ok, because to Keith,  simply knowing that there was someone or something that was there for him was enough.

Even several years later. When Keith and Krolia were able to comfort each other.  Even when Keith was able to trust many more people. The one thing that Keith and Krolia could always count on, was that they had a friend who would let them cry on their shoulder--or well, fur, and never ever judge them for it, never ever ask for anything in return.

Memories of Keith's father was one of the things Keith hated about the Quantum Abyss, but there was always a wise animal friend that stayed beside him when he saw the memories, who stayed beside him to silently comfort him and make him feel better, and honestly, Keith loved that animal so much.

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