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Author's Note:
I'm really sorry it took so long to update! I won't lie and say that I was busy because I honestly wasn't. I just had no motivation what so ever. But I also didn't want to just give up on this so I got my lazy butt up and did this.  Sorry again for the delay.
Also, I apologize for this chapter because I am really sleep deprived right now so this may contain several errors.
This takes place at around the beginning of season 7.
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Keith was tired, and when he said tired, He meant really tired. He had expected seeing the Paladins again to be.....interesting but it still surprised him of how exhausting it was. 2 years sure did make a guy forget how strange his former teammates were.

First, Lotor--probably the sickest man Keith had ever had the displeasure of knowing  and that was saying something since he had met both Zarkon and Haggar and several other phsycotic bloodthirsty warlords.

The Altean/galra hybrid was harvesting Alteans like a farmer with farm animals and it sickened Keith.  He felt sorry for Romelle, it enraged him that a Lotor could ever do that to a girl like that, killing her family like it was nothing.

Second, Shiro---or his clone, the whole fight still caused Keith to shudder, it hurt him to even think about how he had had to wound him. Even though Keith knew that it wasn't Shiro, hurting the clone wasn't the most pleasant feeling either.  The clone had all his memories and it made Keith have mixed feelings about the clone.

When Shiro had told Keith that he had died, his whole world had gone dark. The man who had taken him under his wing, who had taken care of him and didn't give up on him even when he himself had, his...brother..was dead.

Keith had never felt so relieved as he had when Allura brought Shiro back. He didn't know what he would do without him.

Third, the battle against Lotor---it was exhausting and the fact that it had reopened his wounds from his fight against the clone did not help at all. Alas, they had won so he didn't have much to complain about.

Keith let out a deep sigh, He was resting in the black lion after Shiro had awoken. He smiled softly as he reminded himself that Shiro was safe, looking up at the ceiling, Keith wondered how difficult it would be to get back to earth and what his future held, though he knew a few things about it from his 2 years in the quantum abyss.

Keith's thoughts were interrupted when a certain blue cursed wolf teleported into the Black Lion behind his chair. Keith smiled at the familiar sound of the cosmic wolf's teleporting and looked over at the panting animal.

"Hey buddy," Keith greeted him. His wolf companion growled softly in response.  The blue wolf tilted his head curiously at him as if to say 'What are you doing?".

"Nothing much, I'm just trying to get some shut eye. Being a paladin is tedious work." He replied tiredly. 

Kosmo nodded as though he understood and went over to the half breed. Keith patted the wolf's head and smiled. Kosmo wrapped himself around Keith and his chair and rested his head on Keith's lap. 

Keith poked the wolf's snout and gave him a tired smile which he got a lick on the hand as a response to.

The two companions snuggled close to each other and closed their eyes. Keith smiled again, sure he was exhausted, but at least he had Kosmo there to be exhausted with him.

Best Space Dog (Keith and Kosmo one shots)Where stories live. Discover now