• Chapter Two •

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Warmth... but where was this sudden heat coming from??

Yeonjun looked down to see a hand interlocked and fingers intertwined with his own. He blinked suddenly and raised his head, trying to make out the person he was holding hands with. The only thing he could view was the shirt the individual was wearing.

A pink t-shirt with white and blue horizontal stripes running across the front.

Yeonjun even managed to make out a purple hue surrounding the article of clothing.

Maybe a jacket?

Whoever this person was, he obviously had to have some sort of connection with them... Right?

But, who could it be?

Yeonjun woke up from the sound of the airplane intercom, "We have arrived at Haneda Airport. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the captain turns off the—" He grumbled softly and put his hands over his ears, tuning out the sounds coming from above. "It's too early for this," he whined.

His father, who was sitting next to him, chuckled. "It would be 7:25PM in America right now... but it's nine in the morning." He said.

Yeonjun nodded, rubbing his eyes and kept quiet. He tried to think back about what his dream was about. However, nothing triggered a memory in his brain. He just shrugged it off and grabbed his overhead luggage with his essentials that he had taken onto the plane with him.

Within another thirty minutes, everyone was given the "okay" to leave the plane's premises. Yeonjun was the last of his family to disperse into the line of passengers waiting to step off the form of transportation.

After making his way off of the plane, he followed behind his parents to passport control.

An hour of waiting passed as the Korean family made their way to the front of the line, getting their passports stamped. They then made their way to baggage retrieval.

When they made their way to the terminal their bags were located at, they sat down in the seats provided as they waited.

Yeonjun took a deep breath, looking around at his surroundings. He hadn't gotten an actual chance to absorb his surroundings. Everything seemed illusory to him. It was a completely new experience that exhilarated him.

The airport was huge. Every blue sign he could read was written in Japanese characters with English translations written underneath. The floor was decorated in polished white tiles with occasional strips of yellow tile complimenting the main color. For an airport, it was very beautiful.

Haneda Airport was filled with people of many different races. There were many Asians, along with African American's, white's, etc. This brought a smile to Yeonjun's features as he knew that Tokyo was a tourist attraction, and he couldn't believe he was truly here.

Yeonjun grabbed the skin on his arm and squeezed, pinching himself. He winced and let go quickly. He chuckled softly at himself, knowing what he had just done was stupid, but it had proved that this wasn't a dream.

Some time passed and suitcases, purses and other luggage started to pile out of the carrier. A few minutes had passed and Yeonjun's parents' valise had arrived. However, his own wasn't with them.

The intern grew worried. He shifted around in his seat as he began to overthink.

Wouldn't all of their stuff be packed together?
What if they lost his suitcase?
What if they completely just threw away his luggage entirely?
What if his baggage was stolen?

【 Our Summer | YeonBin 】Where stories live. Discover now