• Chapter Three •

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Yeonjun looked at the male in front of him with a lack of certainty.

"...Why are you staring at me?" Soobin asked, a slight heat on his cheeks.

Snapping out of his long forgotten daze,
"—W-What? Oh! I'm sorry... I just thought
you looked very familiar to me." Yeonjun confessed, looking away from Soobin's eyes.

Soobin chuckled, "Of course I do! We met at the airport, remember?" He winked playfully. "Did you end up finding your luggage?"

Yeonjun shook his head. Not only was he answering the other's question, but the action was also out of Soobin not understanding what the graduate meant. But how could he? It's not like he even knew that answer himself.

Soobin looked around shyly as he could feel conversation begin to grow awkward, "Um... so, you must be into anime, right? What's your favorite anime? You may choose multiple."

Yeonjun's entire attitude changed at that one question. "Kamisama Kiss, hands down!"

The taller male began to burst out laughing, "K-Kamisama Kiss?! Really??" He asked, wiping his eyes from the tears that had begun to form. "What?!" Yeonjun retorted. "Don't get me wrong. It's a good anime, but you don't strike me as someone whose favorite anime is a romantic-comedy."

Yeonjun felt a little hurt by his comment, and he rolled his eyes, "You know nothing about me."

How could Soobin judge his interests when he didn't even know him?

Soobin's lips grew a soft smirk and he folded his arms across his chest, "Then let's get to know each other, huh?" He suggested, chuckling.

Yeonjun blinked, his cheeks turning a light hue of pink. He looked around, pointing to himself as if he didn't know who Soobin was talking to anymore.

"Yes, you." He said with another laugh. "Come on, we have an entire store to see!" Soobin grabbed ahold of the valedictorian's wrist and pulled him along.

Yeonjun's eyes widened as he began to run behind his new... friend?

"Woah~!" He called out, laughing as his wrist was let go suddenly.

Yeonjun had been brought to a shelf of probably millions of manga, and he stumbled over his own feet being distracted by the sight.

Soobin laughed and held lightly onto Yeonjun's shoulders to keep him balanced.  "It looks like you've never been here before."

Yeonjun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Pffft, whaaat~? I've totally been here before. You just let go of me so fast that I almost ran into the hook shelf."

Soobin smirked once again and nodded, "Alright then... Anyways, there are thousands of different manga, and there should be every issue of each manga. They never run out of stock!"

Yeonjun's eyes widened as he stepped closer to the shelves and began to read some of the titles: One Piece, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, etc. "Wow~!" Yeonjun started as his eyes continued to scan through the tall, yellow bookshelves. He couldn't believe the amount of anime one single store could hold.

Soobin stood there and watched the male in front of him run around like a chicken who lost it's head. He chuckled and shook his head, "Hey... I know you're really enthralled with all of this and it's cute, but it's not fair that you know my name, and I don't know yours."

This request knocked Yeonjun out of his train of thought, "Oh—! My name is Yeonjun." He said as Soobin gained his focus once again. "It's very nice to meet you, Yeonjun~!" Yeonjun smiled and nodded, agreeingly, "What's your favorite anime?" He added to the conversation.

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