• Chapter Four •

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Yeonjun's eyes widened and his gaze darted immediately to their hands.

"Warmth... but where was this sudden heat coming from??

Yeonjun looked down to see a hand interlocked and fingers intertwined with his own. He blinked suddenly and raised his head, trying to make out the person he was holding hands with. The only thing he could view was the shirt the individual was wearing.

A pink t-shirt with white and blue horizontal stripes running across the front.

Yeonjun even managed to make out a purple hue surrounding the article of clothing.

Maybe a jacket?

Whoever this person was, he obviously had to have some sort of connection with them... Right?

But, who could it be?"

As Yeonjun remembered his previous dream, his face grew a dark shade of red.

Why would he have a dream about holding hands with Soobin?
He didn't even know him!

He also wasn't even into guys. ...Right?

No! He wasn't gay!

Soobin must've noticed because as soon as the older grew aware, he quickly let go, "I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that! I have a boyfriend, and that's almost like cheating, and I—"

"—Soobin!" He raised his voice, calming down after gaining the boys attention. "Soobin, it's okay! ...It's not an issue. I just... didn't expect it." Yeonjun made an excuse for his actions, his face still the color of a fire hydrant.

He didn't know how he felt or how he should feel. He didn't absolutely hate the feeling of them holding hands. He held hands with Beomgyu friendly-like before, but Soobin was different. Or at least it felt different to him. However, he didn't understand why.

Soobin nodded shyly as they made their way back to Mandarake Shibuya.

The two got back as soon as the cab Yeonjun's parents left in arrived. The two hugged, said their goodbyes, and promised to text each other.

Yeonjun stepped into of the taxi and sat next to his parents who were cuddling in the backseat.

"Yeonjun! Who was that?" His mother questioned with an arched eyebrow raised.

"His name is Soobin. He was the guy who had the same luggage as me, remember?" He asked, his mother nodding in response. "I just met him properly in the anime store, and we went to go get cupcakes after that." Yeonjun replied, a soft, nervous smile on his face.

Yeonjun's eomma smiled and grabbed his hand, "I'm really glad to know you have a friend here!"

a friend.

That was when his father finally spoke up, "We're going to check in to our hotel, and get some sleep then we will continue to tour the city until you start your internship." He explained to his son as he gave the driver the address to the hotel.

Yeonjun nodded and pulled out his phone to check if Beomgyu had said anything.

No response.

Why was he acting like this?

Soobin was just a new friend, it's not like he was going to steal him away from Beomgyu.

What if Beomgyu saw them holding hands and got jealous?!

【 Our Summer | YeonBin 】Where stories live. Discover now