Get Out!

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The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up. Groaning, I turn over to turn it off. I sit up, pull the blanket off me and stand up. I dress in my servent's clothes, humming as I do so. Birds fly through the window, and chirp the tune of what I am humming. It's beautiful the way they sing.

I walk down the stairs still humming and start to get breakfast ready. I fry eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, and slice some fruit. When everything is done, I set the table, ready for breakfast. When everything is set, I go upstairs to wake the others.

As I get closer to my stepmother's room, my heart starts to pound in my chest. Opening the door, I pull the curtains back, sunlight pours into the room. I shake my father up first. He grunts, sitting up as I tremble in fear

"Get out and wake your stepbrothers, you wretch!" His voice has me jumping and running out of the room. He used to be a loving father, until my mother died and he remarried to the evil woman that is my stepmother.

I walk to Mayian's room and do the same as I did with my father.

He groans before hitting me with his lamp. "Get the fuck out!"

I hurry out of the room, my head hurting from the lamp. I painfully walk to Kristan's room and shake him awake. He moans out, while rolling off the bed. I dash out the room so I won't get hurt again.

I run downstairs and through the back door. When I'm safely out of the house. I breathe soundly again. I walk out the the barn. The horses are eating the hay from yesterday. Picking up the pitchfork, I bring fresh hay to the horses and pet them as they eat.

Walking out the barn, I go back into the kitchen knowing they are done with breakfast. Cleaning off the table, I clean the dishes and put them up.

When I'm done, I tend to the gardens. It was my mother's garden and I keep it alive. I can't bear to let the only piece of my mother I have left die from negligence. It's still gorgeous with every color of roses and shaped like a maze. In the middle is a big stone water fountain of two howling wolves. Water pouring from their mouths. Stone benches surround the fountain.

I sit on the edge of the fountain. Looking down into the water, I see the face of my mother in me. I look just like her, but her face isn't dirty like mine. The same white coloured hair that flows over my shoulders since I'm not allowed a hair cut, the same bright baby blue eyes and the same lean frame. I stand at 5'2. I'm tiny.

I remember my mother shifting into her white wolf and playing with me, tucking me in at night. Kissing my booboos when I hurt myself. I remember her laugh, her smile, her voice. The day she died was the worst day of my life. Worst than all the beatings, starving, whipping.

That day mother and I were playing in the woods. I giggle as mom runs after me in wolf form. I couldn't shift yet. For I was ten years old, not thirteen, the age every werewolf shifts. I giggle as she yips. The sound of rustling has mom running in front of me, growling. Her growling scares me. I hold on to her tail. Two men comes out, dressed in dirty clothes. They carry big guns, pointing them at mom they shoot her once. She howls in pain calling the pack. I get to my knees ignoring the men that shot my mommy. She shifts, blood pours from her chest.

I take off my shirt pressing it to the wound. She takes my hand and moves it to her cheek.

"My- My son. You have to no,- No idea how much you- How much you mean to me." Her breath is shallow.

"Mommy!" I cry.

"You are special, my son." Her breath gets shallower. "I love you my son." -

As she speaks the pack runs into the clearing, but it was too late. Mommy took her last breathe.

From that day I stopped talking. I lost the most important person to me. My father and I were never close. So it didn't surprise me that he started beating me. I thought to would get better when he found his second chance mate, but it just got worse.

How could someone beat a child? Starve them? Why would a father do that. If it wasn't for my wolf, I'll be dead. Thank goddess for being a werewolf.


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