~Chapter 1~

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Bunny yawned as she stood up, "Ad, I think we should sleep.."

"Yeah...it's already 1 am" Adrian said, looking at his watch, then up to his best friend.

They both had stayed up late binge watching some shows. They had started with watching Danganronpa 3, ending with watching all three seasons of Wakfu.

Bunny was a slightly short and pear shaped girl, with light tan skin and short brown hair. She had big caramel coloured eyes that sometimes turned kind of hazel. Adrian was tall and lanky, with darker skin and brown eyes. His hair was brownish- black and was always messy

They both made their way up to Adrian's room. Bunny grabbed a few things, the went to the bathroom to change. Adrian fixed an air mattress on the floor for her and sat on his bed, feeling the soft, grey-blue covers with his hand. Bunny walked into the room, wearing a lavender coloured top with a white skirt. She pushed a lock of short brown hair behind her ear and looked at Adrian with her warm, caramel coloured eyes. Adrian looked back at her with his brown eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before blushing and looking away. With another yawn, Bunny wished Adrian good night and lay down on the air mattress. Adrian wished her back and lay down as well.

A strange sound jerked Bunny awake. It sounded like a loud thud. She stood up and woke Adrian.

"It came from behind your bed!" Bunny exclaimed

They pushed Adrian's bed forward with great difficulty and noticed a small door. Bunny reached out a small hand and opened the door.

" E-Emelka!?" Adrian gasped.

Indeed, on the other side of the door, was the town of Emelka,  where the story of Wakfu began.

Before they could react, they felt a strong pull,

And the door closed behind them...

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