Chapter 3

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~8 months later~

It was a cold day in December as Kate was in her office working on paper work for the office. She was filling out a piece of when she heard Wyatt running down the hall yelling her name.

"Kate!!" Wyatt yelled coming down the hall and into the room.

"What's wrong?" Kate said with panic in her voice as she stood up.

"Love's foaling," he said trying to catch his breath.

"What?! She's not supposed to foal for another month," Kate said scared that the foal would be premature and she would lose it.

"We'll doc wants you in the barn so let's go," Wyatt said running out of the room and down the hall with Kate in tow.

The reached the barn just as the head was emerging. Kate stood at the stall door praying that both mare and foal would be fine.

Wyatt put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a little hug. "They are going to be okay," he said looking at the mare.

"I hope," she said watching as the body of the foal slowly came out.

Love gave one more push and the rest of the body of the little foal came out into the world. Kate held her breath as the doctor helped the foal with his first breaths. Love stood up and started cleaning the little foal.

"It's a colt and he's healthy. He'll live," doc said standing up and leaving the stall.

"Thanks doc," Wyatt said looking at the vet then at the horses.

The colt was small, obviously from being born early. He had a black coat and had not white marking at all.

The colt tried to stand up but fell back down. He attempted several more times and was finally able to stand by himself. He slowly and carefully walked over to his mother and began to nurse.

"He sure is small," Wyatt said not sure about the colt.

"So was his father but he became a champion," Kate said looking at the mare and foal.

"Got any name ideas?" Wyatt asked.

"How about Dante's Peak."

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