Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“Millie…” John whispered harshly, shoving me. We were still in bed, wrapped up in the soft blankets, the sun streaming in the window. Everything was perfect again. I felt so happy. He was all mine.

“Umm?” I answered half heartedly, still tired.

“Millie, I’m leaving you. I never loved you, you mean nothing to me, and you never really did. It was all a game, a big joke. It’s over.” He hissed at me.

I sat bolt upright in my bed, heart pounding and sweating. The room was dark and silent, it was still the middle of the night. It was only a dream. No, scratch that, it was a fucking nightmare. I let out a whimper which awakened a sleepy John from beside me.

“W-what’s going on? Are you okay love?” he yawned and felt around in the darkness for my hand. He gathered it in his and pushed the hair from my face. “You’re shakin’ Mil, what happened?”

“I had a bad dream. You…y-you left me and said you didn’t love me” I managed to whimper between sobs. I buried my face into John’s bare chest and he stroked my hair and hushed me.

“Oh darlin’, I’d never leave you. It’s okay I’m here now.” He soothed me and kissed the top of my head.

I breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed John’s hand. My breathing relaxed and my heart slowed, in the strong comforting arms of John, I felt safe.

He held me close and caressed my hair. “I love you, Millie.” he whispered. It was the last thing I heard before I fell back into a deep sleep.


When I awoke again, I felt refreshed. I shivered a bit as I was still naked from the night before. John’s arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. His soft skin felt nice against mine. I rolled over to look at him, but he was already awake and gazing at me.

“Mornin’ love” he smiled and kissed my nose. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, his big brown eyes sparkling.  “How’d you sleep?”

“Good, well apart from that dream.” I sighed.

“Try not to think about it, dear.” He said, propping himself up on his elbow. I nodded, and began chewing on my bottom lip.

John took a deep breath and began speaking after a while. “There’s er somethin’ I’ve wanted to ask you..I’ve been puttin’ it off for ages but I think now is the right time to ask you.”

“What is it?” I asked, getting worried. He must of sensed my growing fear by the expression on my face. He chuckled nervously under his breath.

The room became eerily silent.

“Well, what were you going to say?” I said after awhile.

John swore under his breath, ran his hand through his messy hair and sat up in the bed. “Okay, here goes” he whispered so silently, I could barely make it out.

“Millie Sanders” he began in a fake posh accent. He took my small hand in his and looked into my eyes. He suddenly became very serious. “Millie, oh shit, okay, wow…I didn’t think it would be this hard. I want this moment to be perfect, I want you to look back on this day and remember it for the rest of your life. But I’m fuckin’ it up so bad right now.”

“Spit it out John!” I urged him, a mixture of feelings growing inside me.

“Will you marry me?” he suddenly blurted out. My jaw dropped in shock.

“Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he continued.

I shrieked and pounced on him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Oh John! Yes! Of course I’ll marry you” I cried. I pulled away from him, tears sliding down my cheek. He leaned his forehead against him and shut his eyes.

 John leaned over to his bedside locker and pulled open a drawer, retrieving a small black box. He moved closer to me and flipped open the lid, revealing a large sparkly diamond on a thick silver band. I gasped as he removed it from the case and slid it onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

I held my hand away from me, admiring it’s perfection as it glinted in the light. “It’s beautiful” I spoke, flabbergasted.  John chuckled. “Not as beautiful as you.” He said as he poked my nose.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him, making me squeal excitedly.

“Shit John, when are we even going to have time to get married?” I said worriedly, as it began to sink in. “You’re always busy touring and recording. It will be years before we get time.” I spoke sadly.

John thought about what I’d said for a moment. “I’m free Friday” he said casually.

“You can’t be serious John..” I giggled and raised my eyebrows.

“I am serious, what’s stoppin’ us? Who says we can’t get married in five and a half days eh?”

“Exactly John, it’s five days away! We’d never plan anything or get a church or a venue or anything.” I sighed, a little disappointed.

“You do realize who I am? I’m John friggin’ Lennon. Any venue, any church, any dress, anything you want, I will do my utmost best to get it for you” He laughed as he tickled under my chin.

I screamed excitedly and kicked my legs under the covers. “Really? Are you sure? Oh my god, this is crazy!”

“Yes I’m sure!” He rolled his eyes, sarcastically. “But we better get crackin’, we don't have alot of time.” he winked at me.

I got up hurriedly and pulled on some clothes, feeling sick with excitement.

“Imagine that…” I thought to myself. “In five and a half days, I’m going to be Mrs. Lennon.”

**A/N..I had writer's block so excuse the delay on this chapter. This chapter took me 2 hours to write, because I kept starting over! So let me know what you think :) Thanks for reading!**

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