🚀🚀Chapter Seven🚀🚀

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Tommy Thayer was sitting on a chair across from me and Eric.

He smiled at me while he took off his sunglasses.

"How long have you had her"?

The Catman was looking inside the pet carrier.

Cinnamon was curled up into a ball, but she was still awake.

"I raised her from a kitten. She came from a litter of another cat I used to have and Cinnamon was all gray when she was small".

Eric nodded as he made himself comfortable in his seat.

Later on, he had fallen asleep while we were still traveling.

When I looked up, Paul was trying hard not to laugh outloud.

"He's not sixteen years old".

The Starchild saw that Gene had a small grin on his face.

"He kinda acts like it, though".

Tommy replied as he sat up in his seat.

About a few seconds later, the drummer had leaned over onto my shoulder.

When we stopped at a gas station, I stayed behind to let Eric Singer get some much needed sleep. 

Some of the KISS crew laughed at him quietly, and they took a few photos of the Catman.

I posed for one of them.

And then, I thought I could hear Eric purring like a cat would do.

It was so funny!

After that, he finally stirred in his sleep.

I gently rubbed his back.

Eric opened his cute little kitty eyes.

"Did I fall asleep"?

I giggled softly.

"Yeah you did Catman".

He chuckled playfully and stood up to stretch.

I watched as he took out two water bottles from the mini fridge.

He gave one to me and I said "thank you".

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