😮😈😮Chapter Eleven😮😈😮

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His arms were wrapped around my waist and I moaned softly.

"What the Catman wants...

...he always gets it".

Eric was slowly unstrapping my bra, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Meanwhile, Paul Stanley was spying on us as me and the drummer had our very first intimate moment together. 

The Starchild held up his cellphone while he filmed a video.

He was grinning from ear to ear as he watched me blush.

"AAHHH, Starchild"!

Eric quickly turned his head around.

I pointed my finger to the glamorous rockstar.


The frontman was laughing at the shorter man.

They both chased each other up and down the hallway, until Paul accidentally dropped his phone and didn't realize it.

With that in mind, Eric grabbed the phone and ran back to the privacy of his hotel room.

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