Episode 1

522 14 4

Warning!Slight klance,

make it thru
for the kidge!!!
This isn't a Hollywood kind of romance.

Lights were low, slow music lulled in the background, strings of cheap paper lanterns hung across the room, long sheets of tinsel turned the doorways into traps, and confetti littered the floor. It looked like a high school prom, and maybe that's what they were going for, but it really didn't matter right now. Not to Keith. He hardly even saw the sorry decorations. The cheesy music was nothing more than white noise. He didn't even hear the people talking around him, Shiro and Matt droning on about something either idiotic or brilliant, it could go either way with those two. All that mattered were a pair of bright blue eyes and that shining smile calling to him from the other side of the room.

By the end of the night Keith was drowning in caramel skin, his fingers tangled in chocolate hair. Their lips fit together like they were made for each other. He didn't even care if Iverson caught them making out in the bathroom. This was worth it.

We tried that. Well, he did. I laughed at him for it.

Suits don't cover hickies. Not these anyway. Thace had already seen the glitter. Fucking glitter. Keith couldn't afford to let him see hickies. You'd think after two years of this he'd learn. Lips made for each other or not, Keith just couldn't keep up. He was exhausted. He couldn't take another night at the club, or day of shopping, or holiday with that insanely large family, and certainly not another fight. He didn't even know what the last one was about. Make-up sex could only do so much when he couldn't get a moment of actual peace. Spa day does not count. That is the opposite of peace.

At least Pidge only laughed a few minutes this time before grabbing the concealer. She kept telling him he needed to say something about his need for a break but Keith was pretty sure that would just cause another fight. And that's why she doesn't date extroverts. Not that she dated at all. Or did much of anything that didn't involve a computer or lab equipment. But at least her bunk was quiet. Just the tapping of keys to break up the dull drone of AC.

We're not Hollywood kind of people. We're not even 'normal' kind of people.

The cashier at the Hobby Lobby asked if they were making a scrapbook. Pidge told her it was more of a murder board. Poor little old lady didn't know what to make of the answer but then that's why the little gremlin had said it. Keith couldn't help but smile. He didn't need a college degree to know that Pidge was probably on no less than three federal watch lists. He probably was too now since they'd used his credit card for the depleted uranium they'd ordered off Amazon. Fucking Amazon. But this was worth it.

What we have is something different. Far from the sound and fury of other love.
(KLANCE,sry it's for development)
Blue eyes and an easy smile stared up at Keith from his phone, calling for the fifth time. He hit decline. No amount of make-up sex was going to fix this. At least he knew what this fight was about but he also knew it was a no win. Keith just couldn't do it. He didn't want that. It wasn't a matter of not being ready. He just didn't want it. He never had. Probably never would. Certainly not like this. Not with them. Four years on and off again both with trainwrecks between, Keith was really starting to question his taste in relationships. Why always the difficult ones? Why not something easy? Comfortable. Someone that fit more than his lips

Ours is a quiet kind. The sort of love that grows over time, puts down roots and digs in.

Keith didn't have to try around Pidge. He didn't have to force himself to smile or talk or be around people. He didn't have to pretend to be someone he was not. She never drug him to any clubs or crowded bars. The very concept of a mall was as much a nightmare to her as it was to him. She didn't chatter incessantly about nothing and when she did talk it always had a purpose. There was a reason for everything she did. Even if it was just for SCIENCE! They almost never fought and when they did it at least made sense. There was logic to her anger. She was fierce but reasonable. At least with the people she cared about. Which he could count on one hand.

We proved our love long before we ever said the words. We're safe together. Secure. No question.

The door opened at 3am. Keith stood there with his army duffle over one shoulder, motorcycle helmet under the other arm. It was raining. He was soaked. Pidge let him in without question. She always did. No matter how many times, no matter how late. She took him in and didn't make him talk. She sat on the couch with him willing to listen but content with silence. When he did talk she didn't judge. Sometimes she dropped logic on him and helped him work through the mess in his head. Always she teased if he was being stupid. But she never judged.

Five years she'd done that. All the time they'd known each other, right from the beginning, she had supported him. And tomorrow she would take him to Hunk's bakery for doughnuts and sympathy then the apartment to extract what things he'd left behind, what he couldn't fit on the bike. If blue eyes walked in, she would be there to back him up. Then she would let him crash at her place because Shiro's had a baby in it and they both knew how much Keith loved being around that. About as much as she did. And in a week, when he still had nowhere else to go, she let him move in. By the end of the month they were sharing the bed.

Friends first and always. Even if some people don't think it should work. They can just die in a fire.

"Uuh. That your wife?" the rookie asked as Keith passed the ranger station. It was too early for this. Keith gave him a level look then sort of rolled a noncommittal shrug.

"Something like that."

The rookie arched a brow then nearly toppled over when his veteran partner huffed a laugh and clapped a heavy hand to the back of his shoulder. The vet shook his head, "That's Katie. She an' Mullet have been 'engaged' for seven years. It's a running joke by now."

"Oh. Uh. She seems. . . nice?" the rookie wasn't able to make it a statement.

"She's not," the vet guffed, shaking his head. "She's an unholy terror that not only can but will make your life come undone if you give her the slightest cause."

The rookie's eyes went a bit wide.

"She's not that bad," Keith grumbled a protest, stopping just long enough to strap on his holster.

"Tell that to Bill," the vet returned with a serious look.

Keith frowned, took a moment to adjust his gun then told them both, "I've talked to her about that."

The rookie glanced between Keith and his partner then asked warily, "Who is Bill?"

"I need to get on the water" Keith turned away from that subject. Much too early for this.

"Wh-what did she do to Bill?" the rookie called after him. His partner put a hand out to stop him from following with a little shake of his head.

"Let's just say you don't ever want to try an' get between those two. Okay?"

It was almost midnight when Keith opened the door. Blue eyes stared back at him, hopeful, shining smile a bit sheepish. There were bags at his feet, luggage, a matched set, seven pieces of it. Keith glanced past him to the rental car parked awkwardly in the gravel circle drive. It was dark. And late. And Keith knew the nearest motel was twenty miles up country roads. He looked back at the boy - no, man - on his porch then gave a little nod.


I Have already written this on several fanfiction platforms. I hope you guys enjoy!!!!

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