Chapter 1

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The day has camed I finally posted the first Chapter of this I'm the past me because I had a Idea how to make Kara too see the Prophecy so let's jump right into it !

A: Kara what we are gonna do ? they want to attack Star City too

K: I don't know I think we should check Fortress Of Solitude for some answers

A: Yes this is a good idea

**** By the way Clark never existed Isn't that I don't like but I like to tell The last 2 Kryptonians you know ? ****

***Kara superspeeded Alex there***

TR(The Robot): How can I help you Kara Zor-El ?

K: I want to search for everything what we know to defeat Daxamites 

TR: Is a prophecy I mean Nothing !

K: Tell me ! 

TR: Okay...  "The harm from Daxamites will end from the rage of the prince and the princess of Krypton with the help of a God Speedster and a girl who revived 3 times"


TR: I don't know who is him please don't hurt me !

K: I'm gonna do it if you aren't gonna tell me !

TR: The only thing that I know is that he lives in Star City and he have this name Green Arrow !

K: Gr-gr-Green ARROW what name is that?

K: ARE YOU SURE? Because if you are lying...

TR: Yes ma'am but the God Speedster Is a friend of yours Earth-1 nd the girl who revived 3 times the prince should know (and)

K: How is he Prince of Krypton is he my brother?

TR :  No he isn't your father choose him because of his skills he puts everyone above him so... He was perfect for this he thought !

K:  I'm gonna go now !

TR: Please don't tell I told you this

K: I promise

TR: Oh thank good

K: To tell him that*She laughs*

TR: KARA ! Please

K: Okay No promises but I will not 

K: Star City here I am

*** In Star City ***

O: Good job people !

F: Can I know how are you not get drunk ? *His girlfriend asks " When I'm doing this " this means it's an A/N" " I know I'm the pure evil for doing this but I don't want to directly have a talk about they should marry because prince and princess you know ?"

O: Why are you asking that?

F: I tried to get in bed and didn't work

O: You don't need a drink for that Felicity

F: I should just ask you?

O: Yes

F: Noted ! *She smiled and Oliver goes to kiss her*

* With Kara *

K: *I flied around the city and use my superhearing no succed I will wait for a robbery to happen and see him*

* With Oliver and Felicity *

F: Ok so can I?

O: Of course Felicity...

F: But still asking why you can't get drunk

O: Fast metabolism I think... I don't know 

F: I gived you vodka

O: This is why I drinked vodka like almost everyday in Rusia so...

F: Should try beer

O: Yes you sho/getting interrupted by the alarm)

F: You should go !

O: Thank you *Kissing her* Star City here I am

*** With Kara ***

Finally I really waited like 10 minutes to happen something...

*With Felicity And Oliver*

Ok so this is the street *Felicity S*

O: *He goes with his bike even if he can fly he didn't wanted to show up he had luck he never had been shotted so nobody can ever find his secret he was the prince of Krypton*

O: You should stop right there !

T(Thief): Is Green Arrow attack him

K: I don't think so *Punched everyone surprising Oliver he wasn't the last one* *She cleared everyone and put them behind bars*

K: Ok we should talk please close your comunicator

O: Felicity I'm sorry I should really talk she helped me

F: Ok see you Babe *stopping the coms*

K: Why I didn't realized I wasn't the last one?

O: Because I never showed my real powers and you are Kara Zor-El then...

K: How do you know my name

O: Because your parents 100% launched you before them and I was kinda choosen because they never had someone better than me but I didn't care if they had I was happy to live there Kara why our planet had to explode

K: I don't know *He bringed the bad memories back* *She goes and hug him surprising her and Oliver too* I'm sorry I just almost cried and I needed a shoulder to cry if you know what I'm saying 

O: It's okay you can come back *He goes and hug Kara* I thinked nobody will understand what have I been through but here is she

K: *She stops hugging him* Okay. Here is the reason why I'm there you know the Daxamites want to take over Star City and National City I didn't know why yours but I know why (your city * ) now and we need to fight for it

O: Be sure of that 

K: Trust me so easily ?

O: I'm the only Kryptonian alive I don't know if you will betray more and you are kinda my princess but not gonna cross over that line because I have a girlfriend

K: Oh. Good for you then

O: Thanks you ?

K: No but glad to be solo 

O: Nobody is glad to be solo come here *She didn't know what she did like her body moved alone she goes in his arms she felt so good she didn't wanted to go back from there*

K: Thank you

O: If I was here I'm sure you were gonna do this for me too so I'm glad I can really talk with someone about what happend on our planet

K: A/Interrupted by Oliver

O: I'm so sorry I thinked I just cross over the line you just Know me and wanting to talk about our planet it's a little strange where are my maners *kiss her hand and she blush He didn't notice* My name is Oliver Queen or Oliver Zor-el " I don't know what to put here so I hope this works"

K: Finally some maners from a prince is expected

O: The princess don't need to be lower anyways

K: Ok so let  me finish It's a prophecy who telled me that the girl who revived 3 times I think you know her

O: Yes I know her she is my adopted sister...

K:And a god speedster 

O: That man who have speed and we have better than them and we have more powers than them and they are jealous *he teased and laughed*

K: *she laughed* Barry isn't jealous but yes that people he is my friend and the prophecy is something like this

"The harm from Daxamites will end from the rage of the prince and the princess of Krypton with the help of a God Speedster and a girl who revived 3 times"

O: I mean they put me first for a reason

K: Oliver !!! *give a punch to his shoulder and he was the first one who didn't feel something* *she gasped for a little*

O: What?

K: I mean I was used to tell everyone sorry after I punch them because I kinda hurt them with my punch anyways 

O: Ah Girl of Steel met the Man of Steel

K: Stop ! *She laughed*

O: From what being me ?

K: Yes for a sec to catch my breath

O: Okay. but let's just all do a meet and see if they are gonna help us because if they aren't we are not gonna force them  they are people and that daxamites let's just don't kill them we don't decide who dies or lives 

K: (Oh he is so hot I mean perfect I MEAN Who can I fool he is perfect...) Totally right !

O: Let's go Kara.

K:  So stay if we were staying on Krypton we were obligate to marry

O: No no no I will never obligate a Woman to do what she don't want to do Kara.

K: (Oh my god why he need to be sooooo perfect) Okay just wanted to know

(Calling Sara) I'm gonna call Sara to mee/Interrupting himself because Sara responded

Hi brother what is it?

Hey Sara can you come please?

In Star City? I'm kinda in National City now

Wait a sec

O: She is in National city *He whispered* *She noded*

*We are gonna be here 

* We?

* Me and Kara *He whispers can I tell her she knows everything and I don't want to lie to her or anyone else pleaseee ? * *She nods*

*Who is her*

** The last survivor of Krypton

** REALLY? I want to meet her now 

** You are gonna Sara you are gonna **

Now Barry ? Let's go (Kara S)

** She have the device for switching between earths **

O: This is a device for switching between earths ?

K: Yes

O: I have one too so where?

K: You can come with me 

O: No because will waste energy and I want you to have more than me anyways.

K: Such a gentleman 

O: Thank you I have heard this 

K: Let's just go Central City Star labs *Giving him the cords*

*** In Central-City Earth-1 ***

B: **Sees the breachs** (Sorry if I'm mistaking) Kara ! *He hugs Kara*

K: Good to see you too

B: Who is him *pointing at Oliver*

K: Remember when I told you I'm the only Girl who survived my planet ? and the only one who survived

B: only one is true now right?

K: Yep he is the prince of Krypton and me the Princess...

B: So that means you are together *asking with a curiosity because he had Caitlin*

K: NO *She blushed* I mean we were if Krypton never exploded but It's okay we don't know about eachother too much  so we are just friends but I think we'll be the best friends (Maybe friend with boy behind will be ok for me...) "Ah Kara you are so dreamy you need to wait anyways for you to be with him I promise you will be..."

O: I have a girl anyways.

B: So here standing in front of the Girl and Man of Steel ! That's cool !

O: Aw. wants a autograph ? 

K: Oliver !!!

B: He is funny you should totally date him

K: BARRY *She blushed harder*

O: Yeah you totally should try it *Saying with a teasy voice*

B: See even him agrees with me. But enough with the jokes and relationships what is it?

O: Is my time Kara you told it once I know it's hard to talk about that daxamites Let me please.

K: Thank you...

O: Ok Barry ?

B: Yes

O: There is a prophecy who involve the Prince and the Princess of Krypton a god of speed that means you and my sister a girl who was revived by 3 times

B: 3??? Oh my god I'm sorry

O: It's okay Barry I think we can be good friends

B: Me too Oliver me too 

K: Group hug ? *What a stupid excuse to hug Oliver but I don't care..*

O: Okay... ONLY Because I need to involve that Daxamites !

K: Thank you !!! 

**** Group hug ****

So we should go ? (Kara S)

Yes totally (Barry S)

** Kara prepared her device **

O: Kara what have I told you I'm gonna use it !

K: Sorry !

O: Girls first Barry and after that me

*** The order was exactly like that ***

**** Earth- 38 ****

O: I'm gonna superspeed National City too see what Sara is doing meet you guys there ok?

K: Yes just go already maybe she is waiting for you and because is a sister of a prince he may have not patience *She teased but realized what she says* I'M SORRY OLIVER

O: *He laughs* It's okay Kara it was a little funny and true...

K: See you 

B: First Kara can I talk to you? See you Oliver

O: See you Kara see you Barry

K: Of course 

B:-After he make sure he was gone to not hear and Oliver didn't superheard anything-

B: So since when ?

K: Since when what ?

B: Don't fool me you like him !

K: I mean he is perfect hot /interrupted by Barry/

B: Too much details... but you love him ?

K: Yes !

B: Then fight for him Kara fight for him !

K: I will do it even if he got a girlfriend...

*********** The End of Chapter 1 **********

Hey guys I had a lot of Inspiration for this chapter and I posted it today because I wanted to surprise you guys because the One-shot book will end and it's #1 SuperArrow It will be sad and this compensate stay chill will be book 2  of one-shots but with only 15 and not with part-1-2-3 only One-shots ! so will be like this but without many parts cliffhangers so by the way if you got ideas make sure you are comment them down below because if I like them I'm gonna use them

- Words counter : 2114 ~ 2120

- Love you your SuperArrow writter

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