Chapter 4 The Kiss

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** He kissed her but fast pulled out **

I'm sorry I didn't mean too  I mean I just get out from a relationship and kissed you ... " Oliver didn't knew what to do a thing he know Kara's lips are heaven even for that 2 seconds he felt like in it 

It's okay Oliver " Kara blushed hard Oliver noticed 

You're cute when you are blushing "  Kara blushed harder and Oliver just smiled 

I mean about the kiss... " Kara started

I'm sorry about it " Oliver finished

I' m not Oliver... " Kara talked again

W-what ? " Oliver realized what she said

" Oliver since the day one you're like me you can't kill so do I you're selfless ,  a hero , I can't just tell you I'm in love with you when we first met but now I'm more than glad you're feeling the same " Kara said

" At least that but I'm not ready Kara... give me a week I loved Felicity but she was something I can't describe that jealousy destroyed our relationship I need to think about things and clear my head can you ? "  Oliver said

I can wait a lot more " Kara thought to herself " Oliver take your  time you just broke up with your girlfriend I was more than just sure you're going to need time for clear your head so please don't rush it think about EVERY possibility and come back to me " Kara said

" I'm glad that was a prophecy " Oliver started

" Me too Oliver me too." Kara finished

I'm sorry Kara this have to be in this way for now " Oliver said

Oliver It's okay how I said go and clear your head " Oliver just went to her and kissed her but long and with passion it was like testing waters but how Oliver describe it was heaven they stood 10 seconds like that and Oliver finally said

" See you in a week "

" See you then " Kara didn't know what to say that Kiss was something that she can't describe but was perfect just like him Kara thought

** A day after The Kiss **

*Kara just got a text from her sister not responding because she was thinking about the kiss that happen yesterday she was more than glad he gave her a gift before he leaved but was a little sad that kiss will not happen for now at least she really wanted to know what he felt about them he kissed her she was a good sign " She thought"

* Alex just opened the door after 15 minutes of texting founding Kara sitting on the couch thinking *



KARA!! " Alex keep shouting until Kara finally snaps out of her thoughts

Alex what are you doing here ? " Kara said

You're Supergirl the D.E.O needs you just saying... " Alex started

Oh D.E.O I totally forgot sorry !  " *She let only the SuperGirl suit.*

Kara what is happening you never forget something that big something is happening ! " Alex knowing her sister so well she asked her "

Well do you that perfect prince that I've told you ? " Kara started

Are you two together finally god how much it took to happen " Alex said 

No but he broke with her girlfriend... and came to me we talk he told me he needs time for clearing his head and before he went out he kissed me Alex !!! " Alex hugged her and says:

" Really ?! Oh my god you and him are a match every friend of yours said that even James and Winn , Kara "

" Really ? James ? " She laughed

Yeah but let's go " Alex told her

Let's go

*** After she stopped the bank robbery ***

This was for today ? " Supergirl asked through her comm "

Yeah Supergirl you can come back " J'onn J'onnzz told her

*She flied back to the D.E.O*

So this was easy they just shot knowing that nothing will happen they just waste their bullets nothing new...   " Kara started

Like they will ever learn to not shot you "  Alex asked

** 6 Days after it **

Kara putted 5 alarms for today reminding her Oliver will come back from his little trip 

 ---------- Texting with Alex -------

*Oliver will come today Alex

" Girl you should prepare

" I did it emotionally at least 

" Do you want me to come over

" No Alex but where is him I want to see him now I waited 7 days

" He will come Kara stop

" Oh no I just realized I told him to took his time maybe he will not come today Alex

" Why did you said that ?

" I don't know was the moment I think

** Her door bell rings **

" Somebody is at my door wait

" Okay

*** Was the one and only Oliver her Oliver ***


" B-Bye ? "

---- Stop texting ----

You're here " Kara said

" I  did think a lot of what happened but the only thing I know and I want I realized  "

" And what is that"

" You Kara Zor-El you ! "

*** They kissed passionately that kiss became a little wild  they head to the couch and from there is history ***

Kara ? " Oliver started

Yes Oliver? " Kara responded

I love you " Oliver said that when he said that Kara's hearth skipped a beat

I love you too Oliver "

--- The end for Chapter 4 --- and probably the next one is the end :)

--- Love you your SuperArrow Writter

The prophecy a SuperArrow Story !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora