Chapter 2

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Hello guys this is Chapter 2 about this book and I only want to let you know this story is a little hard to write I want to do 1 hundred or 2 hundred words per chapter so please just wait for it :)

*** Let's jump right into it ***

*Barry and Kara raced to National City and Oliver give her some cords before he leaved*

S: She is ?

O: Yes she is

S: Kara ?

K: Heard my name?

S: *Hugs her and Kara hugs her back* You are the last one from my brother's kind ?

K: Sadly yes...

S: I'm so sorry guys 

K: You don't need to be Sara it wasn't your fault

O: Kara is right Sara I told you once and I'm going to tell you it wasn't and never will be your fault that our planet exploded.

K: So she knows everything?

O: Yes and she said Yes since when I told her about you she said Yes when I told her the prophecy yes when I told her about it Yes she want too much

S: I mean It's the only one and It's the princess of Krypton and if you guys are trying to have childrens you can remake Krypton

O: Sara you know I have a girlfriend and even if I haven't only if she wants too.

K: Well this is unexpected anyways ( Why can't he be solo ? ) " Because will be a 5 chapter story this is why"

S: I'm sorry I'm just too excited too see someone who is having Oliver's DNA 

K: I mean it was exciting for me too

O: Really ? *He laughs*

K: Yes *She laughs*

B: *He finally spokes* Stop flirting and let's prepare ourselfes 

S: Barry is right!

B: You know my name?

S: I just payed atention too what my brother said when I asked him if you are cute he told me to shut up

O: Sara ? what did I told you?

S: To not tell him that

O: And what did you told him ?

S: I told him that I'm sorry

O: You are already forgotten {Sorry if I'm mistaking} 

K: *He is so sweat... with his sister I kinda want too be in his girlfriend place I want him to be my boyfriend but this are dreams... I should focus on saving our cities from the Daxamites* 

O: Ready guys ? this is the plan *He told them the plan*

K: This is a perfect plan you are very smart Oliver *She blushed a little but Oliver still don't notice*

O: Thank you Kara

B: Kara can I have a word ?

K: Yes but Oliver promise to not superhearing the conversation ?

O: I didn't attend to I mean is your privacy I need to respect it. you and your boyfriend need space *He laughs*

B: I have a girl Oliver 

O: I know Barry but I know that will make Kara mad

K: *How I mean How ? * And your plan turns out to work... 

O: I'm sorry Kara what can I do to forgive me

K: A hug.

O: I knew you are the hug type but I did a crime I just told you are Barry's girlfriend *He teased*

K: I love hugs I don't care

O: Ok come here *Hugs her* 

K: We are gonna talk now see you in 1 minute

B: *When they are somewhere where they can talk* Kara?

K: Yes Barry?

B: Are you sure he didn't flirt with you ?

K: I'm sure Barry he have Felicity

B: Anyways my question is how you are preparing to kill her girlfriend

K: I mean heat vision will work *just realized what she did say* I MEAN I DON'T BARRY !

B: *He laughs* I mean I can reverse timeline and make his girlfriend to never exist

K: You should try it... / I MEAN NO DON'T !

B: Do you want him so much?

K: I mean I just know him but he is gentle smart super cute /Barry is interrupting her/

B: Too much details I see you love him but this plan of his is really smart.

K: So is him let's go back now

*** They are back with Oliver and Sara ***

S: So your girlfriend still loves you ?

O: And I love her without her my life will be nothing you know ? and don't get me wrong Kara's friendship is important too but when you have a woman who don't know you are an alien  but still loves you is something and she was for me everywhere *Kara heard everything and have some tears in her eyes*

B: What is it Kara?

K: I heard what Oliver is telling Sara about her girlfriend he loves her and so does she.

B: Maybe they will broke up and you will have your chance Kara don't be sad !

K: Thank you Barry *Hugs him*

B: Welcome Kara Let's go

K: We are back !

O: Ready?

K: Never more Oliver Zor-el

O: Okay Kara Zor-El if we are talking now in our names

B: Stop flirting

O: When you are going to stop running but we are not flirting Barry.

B: Fair enough

S:  Hey Barry come here *Next time try to be careful when you brought Kara to listen our conversation I was the only one who noticed*

B: O-okay.

O: Let's go !

***** D.E.O ****

A: Kara god where were you !

O: With me

A: And who is him ?

K: The Prince of Krypton.

A: He is the last man from your kind Kara?

K: Yep he is ! and he is having a plan for taking out the Daxamites !

O: *** Telling her the plan ***

A: He is more smarter than us because he thought about that

O: No I just had luck please I don't need to tell me I'm the best because I don't care who is the best the only thing I care is what my Family friends is telling me.

A: Hey Kara can I have a word?

O: Everyone wants a word with Kara right Barry?

B: Yes 

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