Marathon Part 4

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Endertoasts! Another chapter! Yaaay! Its Amia and friends this time. Hope you all enjoy!

Amia's POV

I walked into Ashe's room, not thinking to knock. I saw her sitting on what used to be the guest bed. She looked up, and put her hands behind her back. "Hey Amia!" She said. "Hi, sorry for not knocking, I forgot." "Do you mind coming downstairs, and helping bake for a little." "Sure, Mom 1." She joked. I laughed, then went downstairs. Soon she came downstairs, but in a sweater. I gave her a questioning look. "I got cold." She said. I nodded. "So what are we baking?" "Well, its some little girls costume party. Were going to be making a rainbow layered cake, with a edible unicorn on top." She nodded. "Let's get started." She said, twirling her finger in the air. (A/N if you get that, your awesome. If you don't... Your still awesome!) I smiled.

{Le time skip}

After an hour or so, we had the cake into the oven and were working on the icing. It was pretty cool. Ashe is pretty good at baking and stuff.

Amber's POV

I sat, staring at the screen. I was working hard to figure out what the picture was. Soon I guessed. But I didn't get it. Me and Damon were playing draw my thing with Sky, Ty, and NoochM. "So, I was hanging out with Ty-" Started Sky. "Translation, making out with Ty," interrupted Mat. I laughed. "Anyways. I went to answer the door. And this guy was there, and he was like 'hey, you wanna buy some steaks?'" We all laughed. "And I was confused, and I said 'what?' 'I've got some really nice steaks in the truck.'" Now we all were laughing really hard. "Then I was like 'Umm... No, I'm good.' And he was like 'Oh, okay. Well, see you later then.' Then he walked away!" I guessed the thing again. "Banana Bus!" I yelled as I typed it I to the chat. The server dinged. EnderRulerGirl guessed the word

Damonster guessed the word

I glared at him. "What, you said it out loud... Really loud!"

SkythekidRS guessed the word

Deadlox guessed the word

NoochM guessed the word

"Ughhh. Fiiine." I was teleported to the screen. I know exactly what to do...

Damon's POV

I watched her draw on my screen. She looks kind of scary when she's mad. I haven't really seen her mad since the transformation. Her eyes kind of get... I dunno, more intense? Plus, I can see her fangs. But I don't want to be afraid of my girlfriend, so I ignore it. She concentrates hard. I stare at the screen. I see purple, gray, black. Enderman. Incorrect. We all watch as she continues to work. I see magenta wool now, and a mouth is forming... Ender dragon.

Damonster guessed the word

She smiled at me. I guess she doesn't get angry if she doesn't feel its cheating? Whatever. It doesn't matter. "One second guys, I'll be right back." I walked downstairs. I grabbed the cake on the counter while Amia and Ashe's backs were turned, and tiptoed upstairs. I set it down on the desk. Amber looked over. "Mmmm. Too bad we don't get to eat it." She said. "Damon or Amber!" Yelled Amia. I laughed, and carried it back downstairs. She held out her hand. I gave it to her. "Thank you." We continued recording, and then once we were finished, I decided to take Amber out for supper.

Hey endertoasts! Sorry I updated it tonight, I will still be updating the other set of POVs, but I ran out of time to post this one earlier. I sorry... Don't be mad! Love you all, and one more chapter to go! Until then, stay spunky!

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