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Cayth is walking through the hall doing her rounds, with her white coat and her head held high. Her presence screams so much confidence.

"Hey, Cayth? Congrats on your third year here" her workmate, Lara greeted her. She smiled and told Lara her gratitude, and continued walking on the way to her office.

Cayth Naval is a pediatrician, her love for the kids and medicine made her choose this profession.

When she entered her office, she was shocked to see the flowers placed on her table, and the gifts that are in the corner of her office. Her heart is flattered, knowing that a lot appreciates her.

She went near her table and picked up the bouquet of sunflowers, it's her favorite flower. With a smile on her face, she read the note written on it;

"Hello, Doctora Cayth, I just want to congratulate you for your third year here in the hospital. I also want to thank you, for keeping me healthy and safe, I owe you my life. Because if it weren't you, I don't think I'll survive my cancer. Thank you again, Mama Cayth, you know that you are my favorite right? And that you're the best? Congratulations mama! Goodluck and I love you"


Her heart felt like it was melting as she finished reading her patient's message for her. Lendri is one of the children she is taking care of, he's the sweetest and the bravest child she have ever met. At the age of five, he was already fighting for his life up until now. Cayth suddenly felt sad when she remember the pain Lendri is experiencing right now, thinking that the child's parents are not also with him, it's only Lendri and his nanny. 

She placed the flowers on her table and went to her seat, time to get back to work she thought.

Cayth is typing a report about her study on a certain case she's doing, it's a research for a better medication for kids with cancer who are less privileged, when someone knocked on her office door, she stopped typing and lift her head to see who's knocking.

"Yes?" She asked Nurse Lara, who seemed like she just joined a triathlon.

"Patient at room 287 is having an attack!" Lara said, Cayth doesn't have to be told twice, she immediately get up on her seat, took her stethoscope and ran towards the room her patient's at, even if she's wearing a three-inches heels she doesn't mind. All she want is to arrive as fast as possible in her patient's room.

As soon as she saw the door of the room she immediately went inside without even knocking. When she entered, a new face welcomed her. 

"What happened?" She asks while checking the child's vitals, he's unconscious.

"My son, ordered for a sunflower and wrote a letter on it. He was the one who placed it in his favorite doctor's office, that's why." She gave the man a questioning look, what does he mean?

"You're a doctor yet you don't know my son have an allergy with sunflowers?" Cayth didn't know what to feel. Lendri's father just showed up now, and the first thing he did was to insult her, of course she'll get annoyed. She cleared her throat and faced Lendri's nanny.

"He's fine, he had an attack because of his ragged breathing that I assume, was because of his recently operated chest which  is still recovering, so, I suggest that you make him take his medicine on time and eat proper food. I already gave his a diet plan so, if you all follow my instructions and prescription then we don't have a thing to worry here." Cayth said, as she speak with Melinda, Lendri's nanny. After that, she heaved a deep breath and faced Lendri's father.

"And for you mister, I assume that this is the first time you have visited your son ever since I handled him, yes? I do respect you as his father, even though I don't understand as to why you just suddenly showed up now. But well, I don't think I need to know the reason behind, I'm not that nosy." She paused and took a breath.

"Well, I'll try to understand whatever your reason is and respect you, so I expect you to do the same." She plastered a fake smile, looked straight into Lendri's father's eyes and continued.

"You only visit once in a while so I suggest you take care of your son, really really well." With that she gave him a sweet smile, and faced the other people on the room. She bowed her head a little and walked through the door

"Please call me immediately when he wake up." She finish and went outside. As soon as she closed the door, she breathed hard and rolled her eyes because of too much irritation. 

Damn that guy. How dare him insult me like that!? Me? God, I want to strangle him!

With irritation and all, she stomped her feet and walked through the hall. She doesn't care about the people who's- greeting and smiling at her. She's too pissed to give a damn right now.

I will surely cut his balls, she thought.


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