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" Come on Eslyn, I taught you better then that" my mother barked at me while I was stabbing and dodging moving dummy that my mother built.  I bite my tongue and don't say anything so I wont get extra chore's to do.  When I finally got where she finally wanted me to be she stopped the dummy and smiled "Finally got it, good job." she wiped hair away from my face I sighed I know she's just saying it, but I know I can do better.  " Okay, my little bird lets go before your father and the boys find us ." She says winking at me I smiled my father would freak if he knew mother was teaching how to fight.  Father even my brothers ; Terehis the oldest , Paretil the middle , and Karp short for Karpiroth the youngest.  My father taught my brothers how to fight each day somewhere not to far where we live , mother started to teach me when I was five years old , yeah it was pretty young to teach a child but my mother saw potential in me so she disobeyed my father which I'm happy she did , I felt good about myself . I know my father wanted to protect me from fighting but I need to fight for myself and to protect the one's I love or people that can't protect themselves.  When we got back to our cabin in the woods I see my cute baby fox name Wynter Luna , her white fur was silky and shiny when the sun hit just right, her ears perked up when she heard us coming up the trail, she got up and hoped in my arms I laugh and hold her in my arms , she was tiny pup .   Father found her in the woods two weeks ago , Her mother was dead probably from hunters or poison  spider venom killed her.  So my father took her home, when we first lay eyes on each other we bonded right then.          "Okay honey why don't you take a bath and put on new clothes before the boys and your father comes home from training".  I nod while I put Wynter Luna down and headed towards my room.     An hour later , I was combing my long white hair and braiding some pieces I hear my Father and brothers come in  " Look Ayla we caught something for dinner ."   He put seven dead rabbits and fishes on the table .  " Oh how lovely would you please not put it where we eat at ." she says annoyed  my mother loves clean house I find it funny how she get's down and dirty in the battle field.  Father laughed Paretil came over to me and put light pink flower crown on my head. " Here to beautiful little princess." and he kissed my cheek I giggled he smiled his longish white hair was in a pony tail his cheek bones were sharp as blades and his warm blue eyes were filled with kindness .  Even though I love all my siblings but Paretil was my favorite , he was feminine but can be really manly when he wants to be,  girls adore him , but his attention was always on me or our mother. My older brother Karp mimicked him and I try not to laughed but I failed and I busted out laughing Paretil hit him on the head.  "Ow, that hurt "  he grumbled rubbing his blond head .   Karp was the joker out of the three of them .  He got his blond hair from our mother and blue eyes from father .  He highly skilled in magic for twelve year old and also skilled in Archery but prefer magic , some times I caught him in our parents room wearing our grandfathers robs but they are to big for him .  " Okay enough playing around you two help mother with the rabbits !" Terehis sharp tone spoke above them making them both shut their mouths . Terehis was always the serious stone face one and followed orders . His long hair was braided on random parts on his head, his steal blue eyes starring daggers at his brothers then he looks at me " Eslyn are you feeling all right? Your cheeks are flushed ." His steal blue eyes look concern .  

I gave him a look saying I'm fine " Dear brother I'm feeling all right don't worry about me" I say little annoyed . He didn't seem to believe me  but he turn his attention to father who was kissing mother .  " Oh come on really I'm going to  lose my lunch " Says Karp gagging .  Mother rolled her eyes " Yeah you'll do the same when you find some one." She laughed after dinner we headed to bed, during the night I hear my parents talking among themselves   hoping not to wake us up " Ayla I have to go to them." Father whispered softy  " No, Irering I have bad feeling about this !" She almost shouted but whispered again  " I feel like your not going to come back".   I peeked in and saw them hugging  " My love, I always come back to you and our children and I'm pretty sure Eslyn will be fine warrior".  My mother huffed " You knew about that ?" he smirked " Your tough warrior Ayla but your not sneaky like a thief."  she played hit him on the chest .

After they went to bed I fell back on my pillow and stare at the ceiling, Wynter luna cuddle up against my side " Please eight divines that my father makes it " I close my eyes and fell deep abyss of dreams .  The next morning I was making my father and Terehis lunch for there journey when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around to see my father he smiles " My little fox, I want to give you something before I leave ." he says softly while leaving the room minute later he comes back he holds up two silver daggers that have  roses and thorns carved on the hilt on them .  My eyes grew big and my smile hurting my face "  I was going to give this two beauty's to you when you were older but I think your ready now." He says giving me the two daggers. My face hurts for smiling so much . "Thank you father, I will treasure them always !" I say kissing his cheek . Mother was looking at us smiling warmly . " Okay boys ,you stay here and keep your sister and your mother save " Father says looking at Paretil and Karp and then looks at us grinning at us teasingly mother and me gave him a look and he laughed " well they might protect you " he grabbed his sword and lunch he kissed mother and kissed my forehead .  Terehis  was talking to Karp and Paretail he leans down and says softly in my ear " Don't worry we'll be right back, I believe in your skills, Eslyn  I know you can protect mother and our brothers ." He hugs and kisses my cheek .

When they left with their horses ,  mother took me and my brothers training .  I thought of what Terehis said and it made me train even harder then before  I saw my brothers stare at me in aw while training with our mother . She knocked both of them down. " Boys if this was real battle you both would be dead right now !" she says sternly they both look down and nodded after hours of training we each took baths and ate dinner  then we all went to bed.   A week later that's when everything changed for the worse .  It was middle of the night and I heard horse hoofs running up the path our home .  " What in Oblivion is that" I heard my mother say stepping out of her room. My brothers already had their weapons out so I did I.  When we got to the dinning table the burst open and comes in our brother Terehis , his half of his face was covered in bloody bandages , and clothes were torn and that's when I saw father sword on his hip, my heart sank . I knew that my father never went anywhere without his sword that's been in his family and passes down to oldest .  My mother let out unheard of cry and fell to the floor she knew what happen with out Terehis telling us. 

Paretil and Karp were on the floor holding mother looking sad and mix with anger , I hold on to Terehis arm and hoping to the divines that this was all a nightmare and this wasn't real.  He held on to me for dear life, but for the first time he was shaking , I looked up to him his eye that wasn't bandaged up was red from crying " I'm sorry so so sorry " he rasped painfully . " I should have bee by his side but everything was so fast, we were ambushed, I should have been at our fathers side" .   I pushed my face against his stomach   " No, no it's not your fault you did what you could do for him " I hold him tight.

Hours later my mother came in with her armor and her sword . " Mother what are you doing ?" Karp says with concern in his voice , She looked at all of us " I'm sorry I've been thinking , I have to find this Bastards , I can't rest until they are killed". She says clenching her jaw " What if you get kil-!" Karp was caught off by mother " You all are amazing fighters and can protect yourselves ." She smiles sadly at us " I have to do this my sweet children "

We all wanted to argue but we hold back because we would do the same .  " I will be back within a month or so " she says kiss each other foreheads. " I love you, my sweet darlings" Before we could say anything she left , that's last time we saw or spoke  her until today.  

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