Chapter 4 : Dream or Future? /Kaidan

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I was laying in the inns bed and finally got a hold of my brothers finally together they told me there still looking for mom but havent had much luck. " Eslyn, is everything okay in Skyrim ?" Paretil says worriedly "Karp told me what happen in Helgan?!" Terehis says concern dripping from his voice "Well something happen just an hour so ago." I say playing with my hair after an hour of telling them "son of a bitch." Paretil says worriedly " I feel like we should really stop this and help you out."Kalp says in all seriousness . " We can't just drop everything if one of us is in trouble !" I felt my heart break "What the hell Terehis!?" Karp through clinch teeth " We knew some thing will come up , we've been training all our lives, we can't have each others back I know Eslyn can do this, that's why Father knew that when she was do something special ." he says with out showing any emotion .  I had to agree with him its true. "But if Eslyn is hurt I don't give Skeevers ass, I will drop everything and go back to Skyrim with or without you!, We are just fine with out mother !" Paretil says icily  He hated mother for leaving us, before Terehis or anyone can say anything I say "well I'll keep you guy's posted when I go to see the Grey beards becarful and I love you guy's." After that I lay on the bed and pet Knight and Wynters head I was thinking of what Terehis said , even though he was right it still stings .  Knight licked my fingers saying its all right .  I smile and I started to feel my eyes feeling heavy and I drift to sleep.  I hear my brothers voices crying out to me from dark abyss "No Eslyn, I should have stop searching for mother, losing you made everything dark you were the our light in the family ! " Sobbed Terehis . I see Paretil trying to choke him but Karp holding him back ,he looks so upset holding Paretil back.  Paretil looks completely  mad the look of warmth and kindness is gone from his blue eyes only anger and blood lust.  My heart shattered into millions of pieces , I looked at where they are front of  and my mouth went dry it says my name and my birth date and the year I was I died .  "She saved the world, brother." Karp says softy with tears streaming down his face .  " I don't give a shit! My sister died !" Screams Parteil in a Murderous rage " We could have helped her, but you decided against it !! he growls looking at Terehis with hatred , Terehis didn't even flinch he was on his knees looking at my grave. I felt my throat close and tears started to fall then everything started to fog, my brothers disappearing and I see people died , Stormcloaks and Imperals fighting each other.  Then everything went black again.   The next morning I got up slowly and packed my things and headed out the door I gave gold to the women that owns the Banner Mare , I ate some bread, soup and a sweet roll , I tour some off the bread and sweet roll for later on the road .  I left the Banner Mare with Knight behind me and Wynter beside me , I see two guards looking at me and whispering to each other "that's the new Thane, I heard  she's the Dragonborn." I sigh and thought about what they said , while walking ahead I bump into some one " Oh I'm sorry!" I say quickly turning my head to see no one there "uh, okay?" I put my hand in my pocket and I felt a piece of paper. "What's this ?" I say pulling a folded up note . " Go to abandon prison in Marshland near Whileham some one needs saving and maybe future companion so your brothers don't have to worry." The letter stops and didn't leave a name on the note. "What the hell?" I say thinking this could be a trap but think again that some one needed help made me think more "I guess the grey beards have to wait for a bit." I say heading out of the gate, I headed to a wagon to take me to Whileham and go on foot .   Giving gold to the wagon driver and extra with me.  He didn't seem to like it but give little more gold and that changed his mind quick .  I bundled up and look at the strange note again and thinking about mother "I'm sorry mother, that I've haven't been looking for you , but a lot of stuffs been happening lately and I can't .. I wish father was still alive .. he know what to do." I thought while I felt tears falling down my cheeks . Knights big black paw were on my knee I look at him his blue eyes starring at me saying "everything is going to be all right." He licks my face and I giggle "aw thanks buddy ." I say laughing rubbing his furry head, Wynter made a noise wanting love also and I grin and also scratched her ears and she purrs.   Six to five hours later almost night time finally got to Whileham, snow stopped only left coldness and snow behind. I got out my map and started to head to the Marshlands, hours later, with my torch out , finally got to where I see a big waterfall and Mountains and I see in the rocks a built in prison . "How the fuck am I going over their?" I say looking around for another way, after five minutes I climbed a rock that was across another that was close to the building "Okay guys if I don't make this tell Karp he can't have my room for his experiments!" I say while getting out rope.  Wynter barks at me basically telling me "You're a dumb ass." Knight look genuinely  concern . "I see who really cares about me !" I say playfully while I put a hook on the end of the rope and throws it across landing on something and then I tied the end of the rope to a rock "please nine gods let me make it."  I go on to of the rope and started to walk gently and carefully my arms outstretched keeping my balance.  Knight on the ground behind me, I hear him pacing back and fourth "its okay knight , I can do this!"  Just by saying that I almost fall " Oh, shit!" I yelped Wynter cry's out basically laughing at me and Knight growls at her telling her to shut up  I finally got to the edge of the prison "okay I'll be right back!" I whispered yelled at them I turn around and open the door and I went  in quickly. "I sneaked cautiously down the steps and saw  a Thalmor guard in a golden armor seating down with his back towards me he was reading something with my blades out, I sneak towards him I grabbed his shoulders "what in the-" I cut him off by slicing his throat making him fall on the ground , I go down stars and look around the prison and finally seeing a man cuffed on the all shirt less with scars on his chest  he was built good and I look to see his long black hair was up in ponytail half  was down . I go towards him "are you okay?" Well dumb question he isn't ,  he looks up at me alarmed "I swear when I get out of here, I will kill you!" he growls trying to move his arms . My eyes widen"what?, No i'm here to save you?!" he looks at me with relief "please get me out of here, the key is over their on top of the table." I nod and headed over their I grabbed the key and I see bottle of health potion, I grabbed it and run over to the cell and on locked it, when I open the cell I go over to him and unlock he cuffs on his wrist , he gets up from the ground and rubs his wrist "here take this I found it on the table by the key." I say handing him a bottle he looks at it " No, the thalmor might have poison it." he greeted his teeth and threw it on the ground "What the hell!?" I say glaring at him but I sighed and look at him carefully . "I might help, my brother taught me little healing." He looks at me and then he nods gently "I promise I won't hurt you." I say putting my hands gently on his wrist and started to glow then I put my hand gently on his chest I blushed like deep scarlet, he on the other hand didn't mind it.  After I finished he smiles "Thank you ?"  "Eslyn" I softly, "Eslyn.." he repeats looking at me with a grin " And who are you?" I say looking away trying to hide my face "It's Kaidan" I turn my head and look at him  he smiles, then he got serious "That thalmor jackass, took my sword, I need it back!" he says coldly I nod "Where is this thalmor at?" Kaidan looks behind me "his on the other side of the wall down stairs." he says while walking to the closed gate I opened it up and we walked quietly down the prison more and here the thalmor humming to himself. Kaidian put a hand on my arm "maybe I should go first?" He says worriedly , I roll my eyes and I went in and the thalmor who was a mage yelled and threw fire ball at me and lighting at me but I kept at me dodging but one eletirc  shocked me and I yelp and I screamed Kaidan yelled and punched the mages face making  him fall back, he sees his sword, he grabs it, while he was getting his sword the thalmor mage got up fast ready to throw a fire ball "Kaidan!" I yell and I jumped on the mage back and slit his throat making him go limp and fall to the ground . Kaidan was turn around to see the whole thing "son of a bitch, you saved my ass!" he says  eyes wide I glare at him, and I wince in pain and I look at my leg , my pants were turn showing red welt that the mage through at me "here let me help you." He says pulling out a chair from the table , I sit down and put my hand on my wound, Kaidan was looking in a chest, he got out black silver armor boots, gloves "I'll be right outside if you need anything." he says leaving me before I can say anything . When my wound was healed I went outside of the room to see Kaidan dressed and putting his sword in his hilt on his back, I was starring at him he looked amazing , he turns  around and catches me starring he smirks "see what you like?" he says I blush even more then I changed the subject "so what does the sword mean to you?"  He got serious "This sword is from my mother." he says while I look at his sword that was poking up from his back "oh , i'm sorry" I say without thinking he shakes his head "No, I'm sorry , lets get out of here, I'm sick of staying in this place." Kaidan says walking ahead of me. I felt guilty while heading out the door to the sun starting to shine, Wynter got up from her spot, Knight was siting up looking at me closely and then looking at Kaidan curiously , we crossed the rope with out falling, Kaidan hold my hand while I step down on the ground , Knight comes up to me and rubs his body on me and looks at Kaidan protectively "I don't think he likes me that much." he chuckles , Knight barked shortly like he was agreeing, I roll my eyes , but I thought to my self how familiar it was.  Knights head rub against my side looking up at me, I shook out of my trance and look down and smile at him "I'm fine."  "Look, you saved me from the thalmor and I want to pay my dept by helping you on your journey." he says in serious tone , Knights ears perked up and look up at me with a familiar gaze and I looked up at him, "Oh okay, but you probably have to deal with Knight, and him being protectiveness." I said chuckling , Kaidan grins " I will" he says while bending down on one knee to be eye level to Knight "I promise to protect your mistress Eslyn with my life and respect her." he says putting his hand over his heart, my eyes went wide, my cheek were hotter then the summer sun. Knight looks at him intensely then he put his paw on his shoulder, basically knighting him and trusting him.  Kaidan smiles and gets up and looks at me "I think me and Knight are going to get a long just fine." he said looking at knight .  Wynter looked up at Kaidan and she rubs her body on his boots meaning she trust him and wants attention .  He smiles and he pets her body and head "and you as well?" "Wynter, loves attention doesn't matter who." I say chuckling Kaidan smiles "Well that's good to hear." he rubs her head and smiles.  Wynter purrs and rubs her head on his hand he looks up at me "So what are we doing or going now?"  I forgot all about greybeards when I was saving Kaidan "Oh i'm suppose to go to the greybeards for help me be dragonborn business ." I say trying to not to stare at his brown reddish eyes , then It hit me he didn't look like a nord , he looks at me and grins "your staring at me again , is there something on my face?" He puts his hand on his handsome face "Oh , uh no! Sorry I was thinking of going to Riften and look around and start from their. " I say thanking the gods that it was getting dark he wouldn't notice my cheeks turning red, he nods and he gets up and we both headed back to Whileham to take a wagon to take us to Riften.  When we got their the sun was coming up and we headed on to town , while going their I asked Kaidan about the Thalmor "I think its something to do with this sword." He says while taking it out and stares at its carvings , they looked familiar some how.   "It's beautiful." I say softly going near him, he nods and has sad smile "it was my mothers the man who looked after me gave me this saying it was hers and she wanted me to have it when I come of age." I look at him sadly and I put my hand on his shoulder he look at my hand, I could see his cheeks were red. Knight got between us and looks at Kaidan like "Uh, no your not." I roll my eyes "Stop it, Knight your acting like overprotective father!" When I said that Knight ears perked up and turns his head quickly looking at me his tail was hitting my leg, "What?" I say looking at his blue eyes that looks familiar to me.   Six hours later we were finally at Riften in the afternoon I got out of the wagon and saw two guards, by the closed gate, and I felt something suspicious I walk over to the gate one stopped me and says gruffly "You have to pay to come into the city." I looked at him seriously, thinking I was really going to fall for it "This is obviously a shake down!" I reply with a sharp tone not caring if any one heard me, the guard backs up and places his hands in front of him " Okay, Okay I let you in." He walks over to the gate and opens the doors and goes back to his post, I look back seeing Kaidan have his sword out looking dead at them. I nod at him that I got this and he nods in return while he put his sword up, I walk to the door and open it, I hear people walking in the streets going to the markets and seeing and older man with brownish torn pants and shirt and nothing really on his feet, and he looked like he seen bad things in his life.  While walking to the market a man with long black hair in a ponytail , grey cold eyes and a short beard, he was built pretty sturdy . He looks at me " I never saw you before, but let me tell you that don't cause any trouble around here for the Black-Briars ." he says gruffly looking at me and Kaidan who was right beside me. "Who are the Black-Briars?" I say questionably he shakes his head and opens his palm and I sigh and I got out few gold "now can you tell me about them?!" He took the gold and put in a little bag on his side "Mavin basically runs Riften she tells the Jarl here what to do and she also has connections to the Thieves guild and Dark brotherhood." He says gruffly while fixing to leave his post, I nod and I knew about , The Dark brotherhood.  My brothers taught me about different things that's been happening in Skyrim and every where else when mother disappeared hen the man left, Kaidan looked everywhere cautiously "Don't worry about any one trying to steal anything from you I will cut off there hand!" he says looking at me seriously, " Don't worry they won't have any balls if they even think about it." I say matter-of -factly while heading to the inn.  I hear Kaidan laugh behind me "will hate to be there shoes , I kinda need them." he says the last part teasingly making me blush . I open the wooden door and I say "why won't we rest here for tonight?" Kaidan nods "Sure, I might try black-blairs mead." he sits down in a chair and a male Argonian came towards him "Do you want anything to drink?" he says "I would like Black-Blairs mead please." Kaidan responded looking towards me .  The Argonian looks at me and Kaidan "Does your wife want anything to drink?" Kaidan face went to blood red and he stutters "S-she's not my w-wife !" I guess the argonian shrugs "Whatever you say sir" He gives Kaidan the mead and leaves Kaidan face was still red while I was talking to the owner of the in a female of the inn, she was female Argonain , I ask her for two rooms. "Theirs only one that's open" I bite my lip and I nod I give her ten gold while going over to Kaidan I see a priest of Mara come in and started to preach about Mara , I go over and ask about it, about five minutes I bought amulet of Mara and put it around my neck  hopefully Kaidan would notice, I walk over in front of him , his face was red and he was still looking down at the mead not looking at me "what's wrong Kai?" I say to him with concern, his head shot up I then I realized what I said "Oh I'm sorry!" He looks at me and blushes and then he looks at my Amulet " No, your fine , I don't mind being called Kai, especially   from you .." He blushes but not taken his eyes off the Amulet , then he shakes his head "So you looking for some one ?" he says looking at my eyes while I sate down in front of him .  My heart started to beat fast " oh um yes I am."  He smiles softly and then bites his bottom lip " Well he or she is going to be lucky to fine some one like you."  I wanted to yell out "I'm interested in you!" But I swallowed what I had to say and then say " Can I know a little more about you?"  He looks at me and gives me that sexy smirk . " why am I feeling this way? I just met this man day ago !"  "I love to tell you some."  

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