Chapter 1 : 10 years later..

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" Eslyn Violet Irelferys " shouted Karp shaking my shoulder "No leave me alone to sleep" I say groggy pushing his hand away . He rolled his eyes "Don't let me get Wynter Luna and drag a dead Skeever in your bed again."  Remembering that one day when we came back from three day hunt we came home from awful smell like meat that been left out in the sun to long, could to to find out Wynter killed a skeever inside my room.. it took weeks that smell to go away . I sigh "fine, I'm getting up." I yawned and got out of bed and stretched my arms and legs and put on some dark brown tight pants and a white shirt on and my knee high boots . While I was brading parts of my long white hair, I heard Paretil and Karp arguing at each other who would wash the clothes.. I giggled  " I'll do it guy's, just make breakfast" I say already picking the basket full of clothes.  Paretil gave me a frown  " Sister dear, well do it." Karp agreed also " We don't want you by yourself." he says coming near me asking for the basket . I clenched my jaw annoyance.  " Oh, who was it that kicked your sorry asses in training yesterday ?" I say smirking at them, They looked at me and at each other annoyed .  "Fine, but if first hint of danger hide or run." Paretil says seriously putting his hand on my shoulder I sighed He always worries about me even though I can defend my self  " I promise, dear brother, I will be okay." he smiles and kisses, my cheek and headed in the cottage Karp kissed my other cheek " I know you will cut any man down " he winks at me and jogs in the cottage . I smile and went int the forest and walk past knocked down trees Wynter was beside me looking every direction and lefting her head and sniffing the air . When we got to the river I sit on a rock and started to clean the clothes when heard a stick break and Wynter was by my side started to growl at the direction where the sound came from . "Who's there ?" I say trying to keep my voice from shaking.  All of a sudden a mother deer with her fawn walked away from a bush .  I sighed and smiled gently " You guys gave me a scare" I laugh nervously while washing my clothes all of a sudden I hear a noise again but it sounded like some one was running . I stopped what I was doing and got out my daggers that my father gave to before he left home , a men with balding head with brown eyes and dirty clothes . " Oh I've been searching for you, I've got a letter for you " he says out of breath while hand my folded note whit sealed. "He says his a friend" he continued  I look at the letter " Oh, Thank you ?"  I say confusingly " Uh -Huh" he says while heading off to where he came. I open the ceil and in perfect hand writing I never seen before . " Dear Eslyn, I've seen you've grown into a beautiful young lady your parents would be proud , speaking of your parents I know where your mother has been.. at Skyrim... But I heard by my sources that she might be some where else and that's why I sent out three more for your bothers to go look at .   Think your mothers still alive , I'm sorry my dear I have to leave this here.  I'll be watching from a far .   From a friend ." My mind was racing   " What ? This got a be sick joke "  I whisper to my self .  I grab the basket with clothes and ran to where I can see the cottage over looking the forest. I put down the basket quickly almost falling on the ground . I burst in the door seeing my brothers head grim faces while holding a letter . "You got one too, Eslyn ?" Terehis says strangely calmly I nodded  " It says Skyrim some people know ?" He looked at me sadly " I guess you'll be on your own , I'm going to Burma  the city in Cyrodill , Paretil is going to Morrowind and Karp is going to Valenwood."  My mouth was dry  " wait your all going ? What if this was a trap ? "  My brothers didn't look at each other  they already decided .    " I'm sorry Eslyn , but if mom is still out there will do anything to see she's still alive and okay." Paretil says gently while getting up from the kitchen chair . "But what if something happen's to you and I never know where you are until I die ! "  I say not hard to choke on my own tears .  Karp all of a sudden got up " I got something that will help ! " We all look at him confused , he ran into his room . " Found them !" He yelled grunting and hard thump sound " Ow Son of a bitch !!" he grumbled limping from his room, I try not to giggle  " Here I just finished perfectly today ." he says giving us this necklaces that are oval and have this beautiful crystals in the middle . " There called Seer , mother gave them before she left to find our fathers killers ." he says while we were looking at the oval . I remember my mom saying she was a seer she can see when something bad is going to happen  or see the killers where they're at.  " Will this actually work ? " I say putting it around my neck he shrugs " I don't know to be honest never really tired them out , There suppose to let us talk to each other if were not near each other ."  Karp  says inspecting the crystel "While will find out if it works tomorrow ." Terehis announces informally  while putting plates of food on the table for lunch together for a while I say chewing my bread . Paretil nodded sadly while  Terehis drinking mead, not looking at us but staring down at his food .  Karp played with Seer not touching his food. I Think I'm going to pack now ." I say softly getting up and heading to my room .  While in my room, I was putting clothes in a light brown bag and trying holding back tears . " Ten years ? , mother what happen ? Are you okay ? " Million questions in my head . I hear soft knock on my door. " Hey is everything going good in here ? " Paretil says softy I typed wiping my tears away and put on a fake smile on my face , he looked in my eyes and  frowned . " Little bird , please don't cry . " He says touches my cheek and giving me a warm loving hug I couldn't hold it much longer I started to cry softy making my brothers dark blue shirt have a wet spot .  " Sh Sh, everything is going to be fine, I know this will be first time over ten years we separate but it is for a good cause , mother might be out there." He says feeling his arm breath on top of my head, past ten years me and my brothers became really close and we grew up faster and train even harder . " Promise me you will be okay ? " I whisper looking up at him . He smirks and pokes my nose " Of course , love and I'll bring back a little gift for you." I smiled at him , Wynter whined and snuggled up against our legs, " Well some one's wants in the hugging " he laughs and he picks her up and hugs Wynter near his chest "I'm going to miss you , Little Vixen, do me a favor huh? Protect my little sister for me, will you ?" He says softy and hint of sadness was clouded in his eyes .  She looked at him like she understands and she licks his face .  We hugged one more time " I promise we will come back or I'll bring both their asses back ." he says seriously and kisses my forehead . I laugh softy and he walk near my door and stopped and looked at me again with seriousness in his blue eyes . " I believe in Eslyn , keep those blades by your side at all times , okay ? " I look at him and I nodded " I will brother, I don't worry , be thinking about getting mother back ?" I say with out taking my eyes away from him. He nods  and  he leaves the room . That night I was tossing and turning trying about tomorrow was giving me small panic attacks "what if something happen to them I'll truly be alone. or this whole thing was cat and Skeever game ".  Wynter snuggle against me telling me everything will be okay and go to sleep I smile and rub her ears " Okay, you win." I whisper softy and started to fall asleep . Dreaming I see a huge shadow cascading down a mountain a roar that shook the world and then I saw it.. a dragon his black scales that were dark as night , It's red eyes like blood, making my skin crawl .  The clashing of steel against teeth as the Skyrim chill shook bones and the snow fell around a single slit eye of red eyes adjusting to the light  and name  pop up in my head . " Alduin" My heart went to my stomach and my blood went cold . " World eater awakening "  Then I woke up with cold sweats the sun was shining and I hear my brothers in the kitchen talking . I got up put on white floey shirt and put on black corset that has strings in front of my breast  and down above my navel and put on black leather pants that fit me well ,and black knee high heel boots. Then I combed my white long hair in pony tail . After I was finished I grabbed my bag and my seer and put it around my neck and kissed it then headed out of my room.  

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