Chapter 1: Meeting Him....

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    It was seriously another normal day at 1-A's class. Bakugou was arguing with Midoriya about god who knows what and Aizawa entered which made them forcibly stand down. But today was special... A girl with grey hair entered the room. She had a small smile, waring the U.A uniform and held a common styled bag. But there was something about her that made Kaminari actually glance at her. He just couldn't put his foot on it...

"Okay, everyone.. As you can see. Today we have a special new transfer student...." Aizawa-sensei began with his lazy voice "Meet, Kamihara Y/n... She's from Tokyo and had been house-schooling with pro-heros' since she was young"

"REALLY? SUGOI!!" The entire class gasped with astonishment

"I'll only give you 5 minutes to as her stuff before class begins.." he explained while taking out a stop watch "Begin.. NOW"

     Midoriya, Bakugou, Ochako, Iida, Yaoyaruzu, Jiro, Mineta and Kirishima rushed to her desk while the rest sat back down, knowing they wouldn't get a chance to speak to the new girl. MIdoriya like usual began asking about her quirk, Iida asked about her grades, Yaoyoruzu questioned her fashion, Bakugou stated she looked like an extra, Mineta frowned at her small chest, while Ochako and Kirishima asked about which hero trained her. Being bombed by questions made the girl faze for a moment before she began answering all she could. At the back of the crowd, Kaminari sat with his eyes glued to the new girl. As his best friend, Sero noticed that and began asking.

"Yo! Kaminari! It's rare to see you not rushing up to the new girl in hopes of her phone number! What've gotten into you?" the smiley faced boy asked

"....I don't know, Sero.. I just feel so.. into her.." he muttered out of the blue

"Into her? Dude! You sound messed up" his bestie chuckled "Tokoyami, don't you think so?"

    The black hawk boy stared at the electric quirk boy, thinking hard about something until a light bulb flashed in his mind. An idea to help the awkward boy.

"Kaminari.. If you want to ask her anything, tell me now so I can ask her quietly later using my quirk" he suggested kindly

"Really? That will be a big help, Tokoyami! Arigatou!" Kaminari thanked gratefully

"'Well, what do you want to ask her?" Sero asked curiously

     Kaminari's eyes traveled back to the crowded figure and he smiled softly. 'Obviously.. Before I even get my hopes high.. I better ask...'


    5 minutes passed and Aizawa began class like what he said while the rest took their seats. Y/n was placed beside Todoroki and she began pulling out her notebook until she noticed a shadow on her desk. It began taking form of words....

Hey, this is my quirk. I'm Tokoyami....

    Y/n followed the string of shadow until she found the source. An odd black hawk boy. Their eyes met as the girl gave a nod. He nodded back in acknowledgment before making a different sentence in her desk.

Sorry for the suddenness.. you obviously want to take notes on your first day!

   Y/n smiled at his politeness before facing him. Once their eyes met, she mouthed 'It's Okay' before watching the shadow change...

Arigatou.. So I have a message from one of my classmates. It's....
Are you single?

    Y/n's eyes widen in surprise and she gave Tokoyami a questioning look before he began shaking his head with a flustered look. He quickly pointed at the student who asked the question to be sent and her eyes followed his feathery hand before landing on the blond...

".....What a perv.." she grumbled while taking out her thick blue notebook


     Y/n lifted her head from her book as she realized the annoying ringing bell was the recess bell. Rather surprised, she slowly began cleaning up, still recovering from the headache she just received. 'Dang... How annoying...' She suddenly noticed a shadow block the light bulb above her and faced a group of... 'idiot's perhaps?'

"Oi, extra.. Seems like my group won this round. You coming for lunch or not?" an angry ash head asked with frowned eyebrows

"..... What do you mean by-" she began only to be stopped by Bakugou's anger explosives

"JUST ANSWER THE F*CKING QUESTION!!" he yelled only to be held back by the red spiky hair boy

"Gomene. I'll explain on the way. So will you join us?" the red head apologize before asking once more

    Y/n was rather shocked of the sudden outburst but she eventually nodded. As they exited the hall, Sero and Mina tried calming Bakugou down while Y/n walked between Kaminari and Kirishima. Like promised, Kirishima began the explaining.

"You see. We have 3 groups in our class. The main hero's; leaded by Izuku Midoriya. His mates are Uraraka Ochako,Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyoruzu and Tsuyu Asui. Then there's our little team, the attacking hero's; lead by Katsuki Bakugou with us, Kyoka Jiro (who prefers recessing alone), Hanta Sero, Minoru Mineta, Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari and yours truly, Eijirou Kirishima!" he proudly stated while pointing at himself

"You said 3.. What's the last group?" Y/n wondered

"That would be the quiet hero's; they're strong yet hide it. Not really sure who's the leader but the member's are Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Mezo Shouji, Tooru Hagakure and Fumikage Tokoyami.." Kaminari answered while facing her

"Oh~ So Tokoyami's the quiet type, huh?" She said quietly

"Is there anything between you two?" Ashido asked while joining their conversation

"No... I was just wondering.."

"Well, here we are! The canteen!" 

    The canteen was full by the time Bakugou's group entered. As Y/n and Kirishima lined up, Bakugou and the rest said they'll get a table. 'But how the hell can they manage to do that in such situation?' Surprisingly enough, after obtaining their friends meals, the rest managed to book a long table. Y/n sat beside Kirishima, facing Kaminari and began tucking in.

"You know.. You aren't like the other extras, woman.." Bakugou snapped while crunching on his granola bar "What's your name again?"

"Ka-Kamihara Y/n..." she stuttered, awkward that the harsh Bakugou began the conversation

"...... Then it's decided. Your nickname shall be Odd-Girl" he insisted before continuing on his snack

   Y/n felt like arguing but as she remembered the ash-heads fury from before, she decided to take her chances and let it slide. She began slowly eating before a scene in class reentered her mind. 'Wasn't it him... who asked me that question?' She lifted her eyes to see Kaminari and unconsciously she began learning every feature he owned on his head. 'Beautiful blonde hair... matching golden eyes.. that are sparking?'

"...Uh.. Y/n.. Is there a problem?"

    The question made the brunette snap back from reality and she gasped to see everyone's eyes glued onto her. She then saw Kaminari staring back with a confused look making the situation even odder. 'Crap...'

"No-Nothing! I-I was just thinking about your quirks!!" She quickly made up a lie

   Thankfully, the rest took in the lie and began helping her answer it. Yet throughout the whole session, Kaminari's eyes couldn't leave Y/n's face.... 'Was she... staring at me?'


BNHA FF: Denki Kaminari x reader (Spark Of My Life!)Where stories live. Discover now