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" Hey Kim, " Roy greeted the moment his eyes landed on the girl, before she then waved back. The guy decided to defend Kimberly before things get even worse.

" Ms. Yu, I can explain. Kimberly must have had her own reasons for lyi- " Roy was then cut off by Ms. Yu which was Kimberly's mother. Kimberly herself was startled by Roy's reply as he sounded like he was defending her. The house went silent just when Ms. Yu cut right in, and it did not surprise Kimberly at all because she knew her mother had always been this scary.

" That's enough Roy, you don't have to defend my daughter. She not only lied about you, but about Jesslyn as well. I already knew that Jesslyn went back to her hometown to spend her holidays. " Kimberly's mother paused her sentence for awhile before she continued,

" You'll get your punishments no matter what. "

" Mom, you just came back all the way from overseas and now you're giving me punishments already? After months apart from each other, this is what I get? I don't see what's the big deal of going out with someone other than Roy. " Kimberly started to question what she should've question her mother years ago. Ms. Yu wasn't even slightly taken aback by her daughter's words and it's like the woman had expected it.

" You should know why. Roy is the only person that is able to protect you and also the guy that I approved to be your husband someday. " Ms. Yu smiled after saying the last sentence before she turned her head behind, towards Roy. Roy himself felt awkward as he blushed a little when he heard the last sentence, the guy turned his head away in order to hide his blushing cheeks.

Kimberly who heard it as well, blushed immediately, stunned, not knowing what to reply. It was good that her mother approved her to be with someone she likes, but the thing is Ms. Yu might be controlling her life too strictly. She knew she needed some time with her other guy friends, like Jackson and Karry or the guys at school.

" Mom, Roy isn't the last guy in this world. And you don't have to mention the last sentence. " Kimberly said, feeling somehow shy as she recalled her mother's words earlier. She knew it'd be hard for her to get rid of those words out of her mind. She can't deny that after all of these times, her feelings for Roy still hasn't changed despite the fact that Jackson had spent more time with her nowadays.

" Now that's not the point I called you to get back today. The thing is, I heard from Wilson that you've been locking yourself in your own room for months. Not to mention that you've always skipped your meals. Everyone in this house knew you've been giving your food to my little Louis from the window. " Ms. Yu crossed her arms as it was obvious from the look on the woman's face that she was waiting for an explanation that is worth enough to explain her daughter's actions. After all, Louis was her precious little puppy.  

" So what, I just feel like it. What's the difference, I mean you and dad aren't even at home. I'll still have to eat alone in the dining room, and do everything alone. It's the same as locking myself in my own room. No matter what, I'm still alone. " Kimberly replied, hoping that the feeling of guilt was what her mother had felt. Honestly, Kimberly did not care about her family anymore, what she had just spat out was just an excuse to free herself from this situation.

" You should be clear that we are busy with our works! We are working for this family, for you. So that you'll be able to live a good life, don't you get it? " Ms. Yu inched nearer before she placed both her hands on her daughter's shoulders. She then plastered a concerned look on, but Kimberly wasn't buying any of that. She was clear enough with what her parents were up to.

" I don't even know if I should call this a family anymore or not, didn't you know that someone had exposed your secret? Why didn't you tell me that you are out there, using works as your excuse but you're actually having an affair with some other man!? " Kimberly paused for a second before she continued,

" You're exactly like dad, you kept saying he betrayed you and all. But, you're doing the same. You're tearing the family apart! " That was the last sentence Kimberly was able to let out before she heard a loud sound as if someone had been slapped. Her eyes widened when she realised that it was Roy whom was blocking her and accidentally earned a slap from Ms. Yu.

" R-roy, my goodness. Why did you run out and blocked her, are you alright? " The woman's heart softened as she asked, while cupping the boy's face. She examined the face for awhile before Roy tried to speak,

" It's alright, Ms. Yu. I'm fine, but please don't ever do that to Kimberly. " Roy said, he had one of his hands on his cheek that was slowly turning red. Kimberly was too surprised by the abrupt actions, she decided to just stay silent.

" Roy, I'm really sorry. But, this girl is getting even rud- "

" Ms. Yu, if you don't mind, I'll bring Kimberly over to my house and surely I'll help you make sure she had every of her meal and live a healthy life. At least until, you and Mr. Yu have the time to come back. After all, my parents were still at the overseas as well. " Roy cut in, trying to avoid any other sentence from Ms. Yu that would tick Kimberly off. Kimberly then looked at Roy immediately, not believing what she had just heard.

" Roy, here's Miss' luggage and everything you asked us to prepare. " A butler came down the stairs with a luggage, which belongs to Kimberly and she was certain that her things were all packed in there.

" Thank you, Rex. " Roy smiled, taking the luggage from the butler before he turned towards Ms. Yu confidently,

" Sure, go ahead. I'm glad that there's someone who could take care of Kimberly. " Ms. Yu seemed delighted, while Kimberly still couldn't believe the fact that she will be living with her crush. The thought of that made the girl blush instantly, causing her to lower her head. Unknowingly, Kimberly then felt someone grabbing her wrist, before Roy's voice was heard.

" We should go now, "

Kimberly gave a nod towards Roy, and her attention was fully diverted on their hands while they exit this gigantic house.
However, something popped up on her mind.

' Jackson. '

" The car's here, get in. I'll put the luggage first, " And so, Roy head towards the boot of the car while Kimberly walked slowly, aiming for the backseat. Right when she arrived, she had her hand glued onto the door's handle.

It was as if something had just rushed up in her mind, she turned behind and was greeted by the sudden gust of wind causing a slight mess to her hair. She tucked a strand of her hair back behind her ears while slowly lifting her head up and contemplated at her house for a moment, from that distance and spot. Her gaze then landed on the third floor, the middle glass window, which belongs to her bedroom's.

There, she made an eye contact with that figure which had been staring at her ever since she stepped out of her doorstep. Thoughts came in both their minds in sync,

' Looks like it's a turn of events, isn't it? The plans would be delayed. My time would be wasted. Chance of me getting near to you would decrease drastically by now. Why did you even accept his offer? ' 

' Somehow, it's interesting how I am now eager to help you. But, from this moment onwards, there would be an obstacle blocking our path. I'm sorry, but I just can't keep on in a house where I have to face my mother. '

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