Time to Move on

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*Kylie's POV*

"Kylie are you ready? Our plane takes off at 10:00 am!" Maggie yelled through the bathroom door.

"It's only 7:00 am calm down!" I yell back she woke me up at 5:00 am she always wakes up so early. We are basically sisters we have been through so much. My parents where always away when we where little so we usually had to stay at my grandparents house. My whole family treated her like she was my sister.

"I know I just wanna get going!" She yelled and I could tell she has already had her coffee.

"Okay okay I'm almost ready!" I yell back putting on my mascara. I have on a black crop top, a long white knit sweater, a pair of jean shorts and my black vans. I finish up straightening my long brown hair I hate absolutely hate straightening my hair because it's curly and thick.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Maggie sitting on the end of the bed bouncing up and down. She is wearing a floral crop top, a short white skirt, white flats and a flower crown over her curled dirty blond hair.

"Excited?" I ask jokingly knowing she was very excited.

"If course! I'm moving to New York with my best friend!" She said getting up and grabbing her suit case.

"I'm a little scared." I tell her.

"Not much scares my anymore... " She mumbles all the excitement wash's away. As she walks towards the door she covers the small scar on her cheek where her parents used to hit her.

"You ready?!" I say trying to get off the subject.

"Yeah!" She says smiling. We say goodbye to my parents it wasn't that hard since they where really never around. We walked out to my car and put our stuff in the trunk and got in.

"Bye house..." I wave goodbye to the house and smile at Maggie. We always used to do that everytime we left to go away.

"Bye." She giggles and puts on her seat belt. It's now 9:00 am.


We pull in the airport parking lot get out and grab our stuff. We get into the airport we have 30 minutes till we have to get on the plane. "I'll be right back stay here im going to get us a Starbucks. Want anything?" I say putting down my suitcase by the bench she was sitting at.

"Yeah I'll have a Apple Sider Frappuccino." She says its a special drink they have in fall, even though we are in LA and it's very warm. Our birthdays are in fall and we miss the colors of the leaves we always saw the leaves change when we where little and lived in Chicago. Our birthdays are only a couple days apart mine is tomorrow and hers is Thursday.

"Okay be right back!" I say running to the Starbucks across from us. I ordered our drinks and when I came back a woman said over the loud speaker that it is time to board. So we get on the plane and sit down. I go on twitter and post "Can't wait to go to New York with the bestie. It's time to move on..." I turn off my phone and a couple minutes later my phone buzzes I look at it Nash Grier tweeted I get an alert anytime the guys tweet. His tweet said "You can move on but never forget the past the past builds you too the beautiful person you are today. " Maybe that's an indirect tweet to me? I think no it couldn't be I tell myself as I look out the window and slowly drift to sleep.

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