C H A p T e R 1 3 ♦

101 7 0

Momo hurriedly go out to her house and go to her car when she's about to open her car she mentally facepalms herself and go back to her house and hurriedly find her car key

'Aishh. where are you' Momo thought while opening some of her drawers

When she finally find her key she go out to her house and immediately open her car and drove off to Jeongyeon house.

When she arrive she turn off her engine and get out to her car. She text the latter that she already arrive and the latter took any sec and reply her back.

The next thing happened she get mad and run.


Sorry if it's take a few days for me to update this story..

I'm busy this past few days and this week


I have to pass my requirements and need submit it (That's even make sense? Submit and past ar- Nvm)  So that's why, and I need to sign my clearance


But I'm. Sorry for not updating

And oh this is a late update..

I promise I'll update soon, If I can


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