Moving Day

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~Y/n's POV~
I just landed and went to collect my stuff and called for an Uber. As soon as the Uber got there I got in and head to my new home. After thirty minutes I finally get to my apartment complex. As I'm walking to the elevator the handle of my luggage broke.
Y/n: What the fuck.
Now I have to carry the heavy thing. I pick it up and struggle to get it there.
???: Would you like some help.
I look over to the person....... Oh my god it's Colby Brock.
Y/n: Ummmm yes please.
Colby comes over and takes my luggage and we walk to the elevators.
Y/n: Thank you.
Colby: No problem.
We get into the elevator and I push the button to my floor. Colby sets my luggage down and sticks his hand out.
Colby: I'm Colby by the way.
Y/n: Yeah I've seen your videos. I'm Y/n.
I stick out my hand and shake his.
Colby: Nice to meet you Y/n.
Y/n: Nice to meet you too.
The elevator stops on my floor and we get off. We reach to my door and I opened it. Colby brought my luggage in.
Colby: Where do you want this?
Y/n: You can set it over there with the boxes.
Colby: Okay.
He sets it down and looks at me.
Colby: I'm guessing you're just moving in.
Y/n: That would be correct.
Colby: Well welcome.
Y/n: Thank you and thank you again for carrying my luggage.
Colby: No problem.
Y/n: Would you like a water? I had one of my friends buy me some food and drinks.
Colby: Yes please.
I walk over to the fridge and grab a water bottle for Colby. I walk over to him and give it to him.
Colby: Thank you.
Y/n: You're welcome.
Colby: I should get going. It was nice meeting you.
Y/n: Nice meeting you.
He walks over to the door.
Colby: Bye Y/n.
Y/n: Bye Colby.
He walks out the door. After her shuts the door I start to freak out a little bit. I means COLE ROBERT BROCK JUST HELPED ME WITH MY LUGGAGE!
Y/n: Calm down Y/n he's just another person..... a really hot person.
I grab my phone and call my best friend.
Y/bff/n: Hey girl what's up?
Y/n: You'll never guess what happened to me.
Y/bff/n: Spill the tea sis.
Y/n: Okay so while I was walking to the elevators of my new apartment building the handle to my luggage some how broke so I had to start carrying it but struggled with it and then I heard someone ask me if I needed help. You'll never guess who it was.
Y/bff/n: Who?
Y/n: Colby Brock.
Y/bff/n: No way. So that means you live in the same apartment complex.
Y/n: I guess so.
Y/bff/n: I'm definitely going to be coming to see you a lot.
Y/n: Haha.... I'll call you later I'm gonna go try out tender greens.
Y/bff/n: Have fun let me know how good it is.
Y/n: I will. I love you bye.
Y/bff/n: I love you too bye.
I hang up the phone, grab the key to my house, called an Uber, and head outside to wait. As I get outside I see Colby getting ready to get into Brennen's truck. He sees me, smiles, and waves.
Colby: Hey Y/n.
Y/n: Hi Colby.
Brennen sticks his head out the window.
Brennen: Hi I'm Brennen.
Y/n: Hi Brennen I'm Y/n.
Colby: You going somewhere?
Y/n: Yeah I'm waiting for an Uber to go to tender greens.
Colby: Really that's where we are going.
Brennen: If you want you can join us instead of waiting for an Uber.
Y/n: Are you sure?
Brennen: Of course we're going to the same place.
Y/n: Okay thanks.
I cancel my Uber and get into Brennen's truck. He starts driving and we head to tender greens.
Brennen: So you like tender greens too?
Y/n: Actually this will be my first time going.
Brennen: Really?
Y/n: Yup.
Colby: You'll love it.
Brennen: How long have you guys known each other?
Y/n: We just met today. I just moved here.
Colby: The handle to her luggage broke and it looked like she was struggling to carry it so I helped her.
Brennen: Awe what a gentleman. Well welcome to California Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks.
~Skip rest of ride~
We finally reached tender greens. We walk in ordered our food, and when I was about to pay for my order Colby pushes my hand away.
Colby: I'll pay for your food.
Y/n: You don't have to do that.
Colby: I know. Take it as an welcoming gift.
Y/n: Thanks Colby.
Colby: No problem.
We go to set down and wait for our orders to be down. We sit in a booth. I was on the inside, Colby next to me, and Brennen in front of us.
Brennen: Where you from Y/n?
Y/n: (Your hometown)
Brennen: Are you a YouTuber?
Y/n: YouTuber and singer.
Brennen: Really? I'm a YouTuber and singer also.
Y/n: Oh I know I've seen your videos and listened to your songs.
Brennen: Oh we have a fan.
Before any of us could say anything else our orders were called.
Brennen: Colby and I will go get it you can stay here.
Y/n: Okay thanks.
The get up and leave. I look around and then I see a guy cleaning a table. Why does he look so familiar? Then he turned and I realized it was my ex. I quickly put my head down hoping he didn't see me. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?! I heard that he moved but I didn't know he moved to California.
??: Y/n?
Fuck. I look up at him and he looks shocked.
Y/n: Ummm hi Y/ex/n.
Y/ex/n: Hey what are you doing here?
Y/n: I've just moved here.
Y/ex/n: Oh that's cool. You here alone?
Y/n: Ummm no I'm here with a couple of friends.
~Colby's POV~
Brennen: Yo Y/n is kinda cute.
Colby: Yeah she is and I call dibs.
Brennen: Damn it man I was going to say the same thing.
We both started laughing. I look over to Y/n and see a guys talking to her. By her face expression she looked a little uncomfortable. We grab the food and head back.
Y/ex/n: Oh that's cool. You here alone?
Y/n: Ummm no I'm here with some friends.
Colby: Hey Y/n here's your food.
I sit back in next to her and passed her food to her.
Y/n: Thanks Colby. Ummm Colby, Brennen this is Y/ex/n, Y/ex/n this is Colby and Brennen.
Colby: What's up man.
Brennen: Hey.
Y/ex/n: Yeah hi. It was nice seeing you again. Talk to you later.
Y/n: Bye.
Brennen: So you know some people here?
Y/n: I didn't even know he moved here. I'm kinda wishing I never moved here now.
Colby: Why who is he?
Y/n: My ex.
Brennen: Just ignore him.
Y/n: It's not seeing him that's the problem, it's the memories.
Colby: Did he do something to you?
Y/n: He mentally abused me and constantly cheated on me.
Colby: He's a fucking prick. If you want we can take the food and go.
Y/n: No it's alright I don't think he'll come back over here as long as you guys are here.
Brennen: I think he was jealous that Colby is sitting next to you cause he keeps looking at you guys.
Once Brennen said that I had the idea of putting my arm around Y/n's shoulder and I did.
~Y/n's POV~
Did Colby really just put his arm around my shoulder. Oh my god I'm freaking out. But I got to keep calm. So I just looked at him and smiled.
Brennen: Now he looks pissed.
We all laugh and continue eating.
~After eating~
We get up to leave and Y/ex/n is near the exit and it made me not want to leave until he gets away. All of a sudden I feel someone grab my hand. I look over to see Colby.
Colby: I won't let him bother you.
Y/n: Thanks Colby.
He just smiles at me and we walk to the exit.
Y/ex/n watched as me exited and he looked pissed. We get to Brennen's truck and leave.
Brennen: So Y/n do you want me to drop you off at your apartment complex or do you want to come to mine with Colby and I?
Y/n: I'll hang out with you guys. My unpacking can wait until tomorrow.
Brennen: To my place it is.

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