Busy Day

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~Y/n's POV~
I wake up the next morning with my spoon still in my hand. How the fuck did I sleep with a spoon? Whatever time to get up, get ready for the day and start unpacking boxes. I get out of bed, take a thirty minute shower, dried and brushed my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth. Now it's unpacking time. I started with the boxes that said kitchen. But the time I finished putting all the kitchen stuff away I heard a knock on the door. I go open the door and see Colby.
Y/n: Hey Colby what's up?
Colby: Hey I was just wondering what you're doing.
Y/n: Just unpacking that all.
Colby: You want help?
Y/n: Yeah sure.
I moved to the side so Colby could walk in and when he does I shut the door and we start unpacking.
~One hour later~
We got the living room and bathroom done. All there is left is my room. But I feel like we need a brake.
Y/n: Okay I need a brake. What some water?
Colby: Yes please.
I went over to the fridge, grabbed two water bottles, walked over to the couch where Colby was, handed him one of the bottles, and sat down next to him.
Colby: So what's next?
Y/n: All there is left is my room.
Colby: Cool. Want to get some lunch after?
Y/n: Sure.
Colby: Cool then let's get it finished.
He said getting up. I looked up at him and huffed.
Y/n: But I just sat down.
Colby: And I'm hungry so let's get this finished.
I get up from the couch, put the water bottle down, and started to walk to my room.
Y/n: Fine but your paying for lunch.
Colby: Was already planning on to.
Y/n: I was just kidding.
Colby: I'm not.
Y/n: You don't have to pay for me.
Colby: I know but I want to.
Y/n: Fine but I'm paying next time.
Colby: Deal.
~Skip an hour~
Y/n: Finally we are done.
I said falling onto my bed.
Colby: Now we can go get something to eat.
Y/n: Right I almost forgot about that let's go.
I get up from my bed, grab my shoes that I leave beside my bed, put them on, and walked to the front door with Colby behind me.
Y/n: Are we getting an Uber?
Colby: No we can use my car.
Y/n: Cool lead the way.
Colby walked in front of me and I followed him to his car. We get to his car and drove away.
Colby: Where do you want to go?
Y/n: Taco Bell. I haven't been there in a while.
Colby: Taco Bell it is.
~Skip drive~
We get to Taco Bell, order our food, and as soon as we got our food we went to sit down.
Colby: So how you liking La so far?
Y/n: It's pretty good met some really cool people.
Colby: Really? Like who?
Y/n: I don't know if you know them but they are famous YouTubers name Brennen Taylor and Colby Brock.
Colby: Oh yeah I heard of those two guys they are pretty cool.
Y/n: Yeah but Brennen is better.
Colby: That's rude.
I laughed at him.
Y/n: I'm just kidding you're better than Brennen.
Colby: I'm telling Brennen you said that.
Y/n: Don't you dare.
Colby: Okay but only if we can go get ice cream after this and you're paying.
Y/n: Deal.
I stick out my hand for him to skate to make the deal official. He grabbed my hand and we shook on it.
Colby: Deal.
We finished our food and went to an ice shop. I got (your favorite flavor) and Colby got a regular vanilla one.
Y/n: Thanks for helping my unpack and for buying me lunch.
Colby: No problem it was fun hanging out with you.
Y/n: Yeah it was fun hanging out with you too. If it wasn't for you I'd probably not get my room done. Knowing me I would give up and just watch movies, tv shows, or YouTube videos until I decide to go to bed.
Colby: Happy to help.
Y/n: Why are you helping me anyways? You don't know me.
Colby: I know how it is to make a big move to La. Plus I like making new friends.
Y/n: Well I'm glad you chose me to be your friend.
Sorry it's short but I had to rewrite this because my phone deleted the other one🙃 Sorry it was so long also my phone kept on messing up so but I got it fixed so expect more to come🖤❤️

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