no lion for you | faith seed

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"(Y/N)?" Faith queried. You'd have described her as innocent in that moment, unsuspecting, unassuming. She was looking down at the book she was reading, and at a quick glance, she was reading it. Not once did her eyes stray from the words.

You knew, however, the words did not enter her head. You knew she was paying more attention to your reactions and really, it was by this otherwise-simple fact that you knew what question was about to be asked.

You could've sighed at the amount of irritation that appeared at that thought. As it was, you faltered a little in your cutting before resuming, pretending to have daydreamed. You didn't want to answer her question, not when you'd done so thousands - surely? - of times previous.

Why couldn't she just take no for an answer?

She was as stubborn as her brother, honestly, you thought, a hint of fondness creeping up through it. Such pains, the both of them, but you wouldn't trade them for the world.

"(Y/N)?" She pushed, still innocent in her voice, though you caught the subtle movement of her eyes, peeking out of the corner of them to you.

Maybe. Maybe you wouldn't trade them.

You breathed a sigh of exhaustion through your nose and placed the knife down onto the chopping board, turning to face the fairy-like girl. She was still reading the book. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms, leaning against the counter in a casual air of indifference. You were going to listen, you just weren't going to budge, no matter what.

Faith did that thing only mums seem to do; once she had your attention, she'd go silent, as if forcing you to start the conversation you know you didn't want to. You wouldn't; she wanted it, she starts it.

And she did, eventually.

When she finally did it, a tiny reluctant sigh escaped her, a quiet exhale of air and then she was placing the book down in front of her and slipping a piece of paper into it so she wouldn't lose her place. Finally, she looked up and smiled at you, leaning causally onto a loosely-curled fist.

"Are you alright?"

Your eyebrow rose higher, muscles tightening a little. Oh, so she was going to do this then, instead? Postpone the actual subject as much as she could until she could ask you when she thought you distracted enough. As if that worked.

Almost, almost, you sighed - and huffed. You were so close to doing both though. She does this every time, you can't help but do both.

"Yes. Of course, I am." You answered nonchalantly, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Her grin widened a little, not noticeable to those who didn't know what to look for as there seemed to be no change in that already-wide grin, but you knew. You've been with her for too many years now to have been completely blind to the minuscule changes in her.

"Oh, no reason. Just wondered." She was silent for a moment but you didn't turn around. You knew she would start up again in a little bit; she always did.

A couple of minutes later, spent with you watching her and her picking the table cloth almost absently, she paused and seemed to steel herself for her next question. Though her hands lay folded in her lap, she did not look up once. She was ready for the answer before the question came;

"What's your thoughts on Susie?"

Even though you expected it, even though you knew what the question would be, you frowned, arms tightening in their grip on each other.

"You know, Faith. I've told you, repeatedly." You answered, pushing yourself off the counter. You couldn't turn around quick enough, hoping she'd get the hint and move on from this subject.

She didn't. Of course, she didn't.

"I know! Really! It's just- I was wondering- um, I was wondering if you'd changed your mind?" She sounded so hopeful, you almost wanted to agree just to bring back the cheerfulness in her voice. But you didn't. You'd made up your mind; it wasn't going to change.

"No, Faith. I've told you; we are not adopting a lioness."

Especially not one named 'Susie'. It just sounded so...deceptively innocent.

"But why?" She questioned as if you were ludicrous for not agreeing.

Absently, you thought maybe Susie and Faith would get along a lot more than you'd think.

"Because they're dangerous!"

Faith almost seemed to huff but then thought better of it, and instead sat back in her chair, face a picture of serenity if you didn't look hard enough.

"Lionesses aren't something you can just train like a normal house pet, Faith." You felt the need to explain, to try and get rid of that look. You didn't like it when she was upset, but you couldn't budge on this. This wasn't a safe idea. Surely Faith must understand that?

For a moment, you thought maybe she did; her face fell as if reluctantly accepting it- and then it lit back up, like she was a kid who'd found a secret present hiding underneath the Christmas tree. She turned to you with that excited glint in her eyes she often got when she was around her Bliss, and leaned forward, a bigger indication of how excited she was.

"You have a mountain lion and a bear, (Y/N). I'm sure you could train a lioness too!" She seemed to believe it too. You tried so hard not to sigh, really you did, and instead just shook your head and turned back to the counter, picking up the knife again.

"We're not getting a lioness, Faith." You said, and that was that.

Until the next day, when Faith seemed to accept she wasn't getting a lioness.

"But how about a honey badger?"



{note: random. written with no idea of the story in mind, probably obvious. Enjoy! :D}

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