say yes to the drubman | hurk drubman jr.

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"Ya know, when I agreed to this, I thought there'd be- I dunno, more pew pew and less this," Hurk commented over the radio, his voice staticky over the distance but still audible.

From where you sat he was nothing but a tiny blurry thing but through the binoculars, you could see he was sitting in the position you'd told him to; in plain sight of everyone. Nobody would be able to miss him, and with his admittedly rather loud voice nobody would be able to ignore him either.

It was perfect- or supposed to be, anyway. It probably would've been too, if the Peggies at the outpost didn't seem to be having their lunch break or something. Where the fuck were they?

You've never seen an outpost this empty before, at least not before you'd taken it back. It seemed suspicious at first. Maybe they'd left it like this on purpose, to lure you in and kill you from there. You'd be absolutely ready for it when Hurk had tiptoed in - which in all honesty, was the strangest and most suspicious thing in all of this; you weren't aware he could sneak - and yet there was no gunfire, no groups rushing in.

Instead, Hurk had just sat down and rambled on to you for the next hour or so.

You sighed, arching your back until you felt it give a satisfying pop before curling into your crouching position once more. Oh, was this uncomfortable. If you didn't end up having back problems when you got older, it'd be a fucking miracle.

"Yeah, me too Hurk." You answered, voice soft into the radio by instinct more than anything. It wasn't as if nobody could hear you if you whispered; it was a radio for god's sake. Anybody with their own radio could probably hear you. It was just unfortunate that it tended to be the ones you didn't want hearing.

Unless you were talking shit about them, and then listen away. You hoped they heard those conversations.

"Hey, after this, do you wanna- I dunno, go get a burger or sumthin'?"

You froze, having just exited out of your thought ramblings. You weren't entirely sure you'd heard right though. Was- was he-? Hurk-? Huh? You glanced down at the radio, maybe wondering if it was broken or something but it seemed perfectly fine to you. Brand new even. You'd only recently broken the other one, after all.

"Ya don't have to, if you don't wanna. Obviously!" The last part was almost screamed down the radio and seemed last minute as if he'd only just remembered to say it.

And the thing was, you weren't totally against it. You'd admit you'd never really thought of Hurk in that way before. You'd barely even known the guy before all of this shit went down, apart from the various sightings of his father screaming hellfire and fury down a megaphone outside of Eden's Gate's church. He could often be seen there, holding up a different sign each time with something crudely drawn and penis-related on it.

But that was as far as your interaction went.

Until all of this, and then you, Hurk, Sharky and Jess had become practically inseparable. If one was seen it could be rightfully assumed the other three weren't far behind, and as two of them were destructive as fuck and the other seemed a little too arrow-happy, it was always assumed — rightfully, once again — that there'd be a massive mess to clean up afterwards.

You four didn't mind though; as long as the job was done, you'd happily clean up afterwards. (Well, you at least. The other three weren't quite so happy.)

The times spent with the three were the most fun you'd had in a long time. You weren't even meant to be in Hope County for long, just visiting a family member, and yet you'd be dragged in as much as everyone else.

To have others with you, in a place you weren't overly familiar with, was a lot more reassuring than you'd have thought. And due to that time spent together, of course, you'd thought about them in other ways. You'd admired them long before you'd befriended them, and every time you saw the three, it was as if nothing could faze them. You'd been jealous, especially at first, and then you gained a little hero crush.

To be so nonchalant about all of this, even having a bit of fun; you weren't sure you could do that. But then you'd befriended them and it got easier. Eventually, Jess' and Sharky's crush faded into more of a sibling-love, but Hurk's? When you thought about it, no, it had never gone. Strangely enough, it seemed to only get stronger but as with all things confusing, you'd shoved it to the back of your mind, without even realising it.

You didn't have time for any of that, besides. There were more important things to deal with after all. But now it'd been brought up, and the more you thought about it, the less likely you were to say no. You chuckled.

As if you could ever say no to Hurk. It's why you lot ended up in so much mess half the time. Because you always ended up saying yes to Hurk, even with his more...strange ideas.

Which was ironic, actually, considering a certain Baptist seemed so determined for you to say it to him too.

You bit down on your bottom lip absently as you snapped back to the present, just catching Hurk's uncomfortable rambling. You weren't really sure what he was talking about but you didn't feel too guilty at cutting him off — he was probably going back on what he'd just said anyway, due to your long pause —, when you said;


There was a moment of silence, ringing in its abruptness, that almost made you second guess everything. Maybe you had only heard what you wanted to hear. Maybe he'd asked a question since and you were unknowingly answering that one. Maybe it was all just a joke, something Sharky and Hurk came up with to mess with you!

Well, no, that last one was mean and while Hurk and Sharky were many things, mean they were not. Neither would hurt you or Jess intentionally, especially not with something like this.

You gulped, mouth opening, shutting, opening again. You had to wet your lips before speaking into the radio, "Hurk?" There was no response.

Was this how he'd felt when you hadn't answered? Like the most foolish idiot in the world? Or maybe he'd thought something had happened- oh god! Wait, what if he was hurt? What if the Peggies had arrived at some point and you were sitting here, waiting for some stupid response when he was probably bleeding out? Panic filled the pit of your belly.

You quickly brought the binoculars up to your eyes and peered through, glancing everywhere but there was nobody there. Everything remained unperturbed.

Even Hurk, when you looked at him, seemed motionless. He had the radio to his lips, as if about to speak into it before somebody had hit pause before he could. He was staring straight ahead but a quick observation brought nothing up.

What was he staring at? Was he alr-? Wait, have you broken him, or something?

You brought the radio back up to speak into it, still looking through the binoculars, but before you could Hurk seemed to reboot. He practically jumped out of his chair as he yelled into the radio, "Really? God, I've never had anybody say yes before! Ya sure? Ya were saying yes to-?"

"Yes, Hurk! I was saying yes to you!" You quickly shut down any self-deprecating talk. You hated it when he spoke badly of himself, when any of them did. The resistance consisted of good people, wonderful even, even the more roughened up lot. They were all just trying to live their fucking lives! They didn't deserve to put themselves down for that.

"Ah, yeah!" Hurk went on to scream loudly, bound to bring some sort of attention in now - even if they were eating their lunch. You shook your head, eyes peering everywhere for movement, and you spied it just in time to line the gun up and shoot. The Peggie fell within seconds of appearing, though more replaced him. Hurk quickly ducked and grabbed his gun, making sure it was full before helping. Though it never stopped his rambling of the 'bestest' date you two were going to have.

As you shot everybody attempting to shoot Hurk, a smile wormed its way in. God, you'd really fallen for a goof, hadn't you?

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