Chapter 5

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Sebastian's POV

Scarlett flashed me a concerned look as I came back, slamming the door shut.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked cautiously.

"This guy is an even bigger asshole than Mr. Delay already was. I made a billing mistake, and the customer complained to him about it. I apologized, of course, and said it had never happened to me before, and of course, I would take responsibility for it. Then he said something like 'Who would guarantee him that such a mistake would not happen again or he would normally consider an immediate termination because according to him a company can only function if the employees would function error-free. But because I am a good employee, he will not dismiss me for the time being," I told her furiously.

"Oh, what the f* if we were some kind of robots that have to function flawlessly...what an ass..." my colleague agreed with me.

"And the best is yet to come...he also demands that I show him our city tomorrow..." I hit my forehead shaking my head and unlocked my computer. Scarlett sighed, shaking her head.


"More than anything," I replied gratefully as she stood up and walked over to the coffee maker, then handed me the cup.

• • •

As I was still so loaded after work, I decided to go for a run.

I briefly told Anthony and went on my way. When I had already run for half an hour, I suddenly remembered that my mother had a birthday on the weekend and I still had not bought a gift for her.

Groaning I sat down in the grass, thinking about a possible idea, what I could give. Maybe I should ask Scarlett tomorrow.

After a while of resting, and letting my mind wander, I decided it was time to head back home.

• • •

The next day, I waited impatiently for Mr. Evans to finally step out of the building, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.

Ten minutes late, he finally stepped out of the exit door. But instead of an apology, he urged me to tell him something about the city while he rummaged in his briefcase.
I reminded myself to stay calm and started to tell him something about the city, while I started to move slowly to put some pressure on him, which didn't really work.

I showed and told him everything I could think of and secretly I even had the feeling that he was a little impressed.

When it was already evening and I wanted to finally go home, Chris persuaded me (he actually offered me the informal way, outside of work) to drink a coffee together in the park.

Joylessly, however, I also agreed to this request of my boss and so we got ourselves a drink at the coffee shop and went over to the park, where we sat down on a free bench.

"Tell me a little about yourself Sebastian." was the first thing Chris did to break the ice of silence.

"Please call me Seb. I don't like my full name that much. Well, there is not much to say about me. I've been working at SecurityplusX for five years and share an apartment with my best friend. Otherwise, my life is pretty unspectacular. What about you?"

"There's not much to tell about me either. I am a businessman and have been living here for a short time. Oh yes, I have a dog named Dodger, I got him from the shelter and since then he is my everything." Chris answered my question while drinking his coffee.

"Wow didn't expect you as a pet lover."

"Very few do, must be because of my appearance. But I honestly don't care what today's ordinary employee thinks about me, after all, I have a status symbol.

I felt the anger creeping up inside me. How could he speak so deprecatingly about others!

"You know what?! You are a real arrogant asshole, who obviously has nothing better in mind than to speak badly about those who finance your prosperity through hard work. You are really pathetic! " I blurted out in anger. I threw the cup into the trash and walked away without waiting for another word. Fuck it, he should fire me, I didn't want to work for such an asshole anyway.

• • •

~ Helix❤

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