Chapter 15

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Sebastian's POV

When I entered the office, I was met by the surprised-irritated look of my colleague.

"I thought you were sick?" she asked, confused.

"Yes...No...I'm fine," I answered curtly as I sat down in my seat and started the computer.

"Seb, you know you're not supposed to struggle into work when you're not feeling well," she spoke admonishingly.

"Don't worry Scarlett. I am aware of my condition and my ability to work." I reassured her with a smile.

She eyed me skeptically but said nothing more.

"Are Friday's contracts ready to be sent out yet?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Almost. I'm still missing three of them. Could you maybe help me finish them?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Thanks. I'll email you the documents. Hang on a sec."

"Got them. Thanks!" I reply as the emails popped up in my inbox.

After working there for a while, I got up to make myself a coffee.

"What are you doing for lunch today?" She asked me, not looking up from her work.

"Haven't planned anything yet," I replied while watching the brown liquid pour into the cup.

"You want to go to Beast's Burgers?"

"Yeah, I'd love to. Haven't been there in a stuffed eternity." I took my finished coffee and sat back in my seat.

"Great, I'll make a reservation then... noon?" I nodded in agreement and let myself get pulled back into my work.

After all, the contracts for the new clients had to be sent out today and there was still work to be done.

• • •

When we were finally done with all of the stuff, we went to lunch - As planned - to Beast' N Burgers.

We were met by a nice young waitress who took us to the reserved table.

I ordered a classic hamburger and Scarlett ordered a double cheeseburger.

While we ate, Scar told me about her wedding plans. That she absolutely wanted to ride in a white horse-drawn carriage, because she had already wished for that as a child. And that Jeremy absolutely had to wear a white tuxedo suit instead of a black one, because she found black too depressing.

Smiling, I listened to her stories while I enjoyed my burger and my thoughts kept wandering, unintentionally, to Chris. How could anyone be such an asshole...

But somehow he was right...It was my fault if I didn't realize what his plan really was.

"Seb?" I was startled out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Scar, what did you say?"

"I asked you if you wanted to come to our wedding too?"

"I would be honored."

She giggled and ate the last of her burger.

When we got back to our office, I discovered a note lying on my desk.

Astonished, I took the piece of paper and read its contents.

"Come to the little pond tonight, I want to discuss something with you."

- Chris

I crumpled up the paper and angrily threw it into the wastebasket. I guess he really thought he could just convince me to forgive him again so easily after what had happened?! No, not with me! Tonight I would clear the fronts once and for all.

• • •

~ Helix❤

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