Chapter 3

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A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here's something for ya enjoy

You had just woken up from a long ass nap when you see a text from your friend (y/f/n)

(y/f/n): Hey are you down for a party?

You: Uh hell yeah!! Where is going to be?

(y/f/n): At a Mansion I rented now get dressed and let's party!!!

You roll out of bed to see its already 7 pm. "Balls!" You yell. You get dressed and put on some black ripped jeans and your favorite color T-shirt. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring. Its a Facetime call from Kevin you answer.

"Hey" You say.

"Hey I just called to see what you were doing tonight?" He says with excitement.

"Oh um I'm going to a party with my friends" You say with a straight face. 
"Oh ok then" He says a little sad

"But do you wanna go?" You say hesitantly.

"I'd love too" He says with excitement.

"Ok meet me at my apartment" You say with a smirk

"K see you there" He says with joy.

You hang up and brush your teeth and do your hair. "Oh. My. God." you yell "(y/f/n) doesn't know we're dating!!" You yell you sigh and wait for Kevin on your couch.

An Hour later you hear a knock on your door. You answer it to only see the one and only Kevin Langue. (his name is pronounced Lang)

"Hey you ready?" He asks. 

"Yeah let's go" you say walking out and locking the door.

The whole drive there was silent until you got to the house.

You walk in and see you possy of friends standing in one big line.

"(Y/N)!!!" They all scream in unison as they ran to you.

"Hey guys. I'd like you to meet some one" You grab Kevin's hand and bring him to your side.

They all yell in unison.

"This is my... Boyfriend" You hesitantly.

Kevin's eyes widened and he blushes

That night you and Kevin got really drunk and ended up taking back an uber to your apartment. You walk in laughing and flop on your bed Kevin sits next you.

"You can lay down Babe." You say.

"Did you just call me Babe?" He ask with wide eyes.

"Yeah I guess I did" You say with a smile.

Kevin lays down and cuddles you and you lay on his chest. 

"Goodnight Babe" He says. 

"Goodnight" You say and drifting to sleep

A/n: This is definitely the longest one I've done. I take requests just let me know if you want something to change or some smut??? Idk let know.

Word Count: 457

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