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"Are you lost milady? ", inquired a posh irish accent.

Clarissa jumped and turned around, as a normal human would upon hearing the voice of an another being in this starnded, lone forrest. She looked behind and- brightness. Total brightness, was all to be seen. It took some split seconds for her to realise that it was or were headlights of a car. A sudden flow of relief washed over her. A car. Finally. The headlights darkened and Clarissa could make out a slender, tall figure dressed in a handsome attire, standing, rather confused, probably thinking what normal human would possibly be out, alone, in this damn forest, especially at this precise hand of clock. After taking in all of the possibilities of what may happen, she finally gave up and answered, "Y-ye-N-nn-yes, yeah I- I am kinda l-lost", she felt as if she was speaking after what seemed like an decade or two. The stranger's expression formed a mixture of pity and confusion.

" Oh, why did you came here in the first place? ", asked the man. " Excuse me!! It may have escaped your brilliant brain but, I didn't 'came' here my car just kinda gave up here and now I am stucked in this fucking place forever, trying to find an exit. " The words came harsher them she expected but it was worth it, by the way he asked. "'M sorry. Uhh didn't mean to upset you but....... May I help you?? " Said the stranger raising his hands in defeat. "N-nn-no. I am sorry. It's probably my fault and now I am taking it out on you. I am so sorry. I don't know how I came here but, please help me, ple-" Her voice cracked on the last note and she broke out in a sob, clumsily falling to her knees, hands raising to cover her face.

She was not usually this dramatic but she was feeling embarrased. And well, that was the only way to get help. Not that it was a plan or intended action.

"Hey, don't cry. I am here to help you." He said moving forward and wraping an arm around her waist soothingly and scrambled her to her feet. "Here, let me help you. Can you walk?" "Y-yes I can. Th-thanku s-so much." Clarissa thanked God for this kindness and looked at her saviour. "Well, hop in my car. I was just crossing from here. Come." She nodded shyly and he opened the door. Clarissa chimed in.

After a long and awkward pause, the man (as for now) cleared her throat, " So what's your name?" "C-Clarissa Clark." "Ooohh, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. " Clarissa looked down at her feet, letting the blush on her cheeks in. "Well, you would be the first. " This was a newfound confidence for Clarissa. "Oh, you bet I am not. But, if it is, as you say it is, then, my dear, you haven't met a brave man enough to say his heart." "You don't know the half of it." She confirmed smirking. "Well who are you anyway??" "I will be whoever you want me to. As for now I am Xavier, Xavier Campbell." "And......you said you were crossing, who the hell in their right mind crosses this fucking hell??  Not that I am complaining, or I would have rotted in that hell, but seriously, just why??" "Well I live here in this 'fucking hell', got any problems?" Xavier answered coolly.

Oh! Clarissa you might not have any problems for now, but they are lurking at the darkest corner of your home, waiting to get you. And the mischief, it's just started now!!!!

Hey there, uhhhh-so how are you liking my story so far. Well it has just begun but whatever. See you in the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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