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The first epithet, the first word
Foolin' around in a hoard
The endless syllabus and immense fright,
And oh those insomniac struck nights
A glance of jeopardy subjects made us faint,
As with tickling hands of a clock they evanescent our glint
From counting numbers to cos θ
from abiding parts to the drawbacks
when did we grow!?
From red riding hood to Shakespeare,
Makin' tornadoes swirl in here,
From revolutionary stuffs to perplexin' geography
from medieval period to Hitler's biography,
How long we'd agonise!?
Years went by as a roller coaster ride,
amalgamatin' the dusk & dawn side by side
The notorious spells, the insanity that lies...
we didn't realise how time incessantly flies...
That abode is surely been a tamarind tree's lap
the world outside demands solitude as abysmal
the clock keeps tickling away,
the sand went out of those fingers in a heyday
this universe seems out of the bandwidth of my inklings
'Cause just showcasing memoirs and naught it brings!


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