04 | friendship

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f r i e n d s h i p

They were at the same milkshake shop again, except this time, Olivia had her wallet with her.

Of course, Alan still insisted on paying, and so she got another free strawberry milkshake. So, now, they were sitting in a booth, and Olivia was clutching her cup with trembling fingers, and slowly sipping the sweet, strawberry liquid. Alan kept staring at her, probably wondering what had happened.

"So, Olivia," he started. "What happened?"

For a minute, Olivia wants to spill it all, tell him about everything, about Jackson, about the car crash, about why she was here. But, she just bites her tongue, knowing if she starts, she'll end up crying again.

Alan senses her hesitation and tries to rephrase his statement. "Olivia, I'm here for you. We can talk about what happened, and I can try to help you."

Olivia takes a deep sip of her drink, feeling the cold liquid fill her mouth. She can feel Jackson's phone in her wallet, almost burning through and touching her skin, reminding her of him. She wanted so badly to tell Alan everything. And so, she was going to try. With shaky hands, she set down her cup and looked at him.

"So," she began, sucking in her bottom lip. "A few months ago, my boyfriend and I were coming back from a party. When we were coming back though, there was an 18-wheeler on the road. And the truck driver didn't have his headlights on or anything. So, when he came barreling down the road, like the drunk idiot he was, we didn't see him until he was right in front of us. And by then," A tear slipped down her cheek, and she hastily wiped it away. "And by then, it was too late. He crashed right into us, and the car went flying. Jackson and I were sent into the ER just in time after somebody found us later. The truck driver just left. I was in a coma for 3 months after that, and when I woke up," By this time, Olivia could feel the tears prickle behind her eyes, and she could feel them threatening to spill. She shut her eyes tight, and a salty tear slipped from her eye. "When I woke up, he was gone."

Alan inhales deeply, then places his hand over hers. "You can stop now if you want."

Olivia nods and lets out a deep breath. "So, that's why I crashed. I saw an 18-wheeler on the road, and I panicked."

"Oh," Alan says, then takes a bite out of his ice-cream. "So, why'd you call me?"

Olivia stared him in the eye. "I was hoping you could help me get over this. It's been three months. My parents sent me on a sabbatical to help me get over it, and I feel like you could help. And, you were the nearest person I knew."

Alan nods like he understood everything. "I can help you."

"You can?" Olivia asks, surprised he agreed this quickly.

"Of course, Livs," Alan said, then smiled at Olivia. "I told you I'd help you with this, and that I'd be your friend. That's what friends do. They help each other."

Olivia smiles a bit at the nickname and his promise. And it was the first real smile on her face since Jackson.

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