07 | letters

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l e t t e r s

Olivia was back in the hotel room. She still had a few months to go before she had to leave to go back to America, but she was trying to complete all of her coursework in a week. And of course, trying to avoid Alan after what happened. She didn't want to admit just yet that she was okay with it, liked it, even.

The sound of construction outside was bugging her, so she groaned, swiveling around in her chair to face her suitcase. She'd never been in the hotel room this long, but after trying to get over Jackson with the help of Alan, she could at least stand to be in here.

So far, she'd convinced herself that Jackson's death wasn't her fault, and she was trying to accept that he was gone and she couldn't do anything about it. She'd gotten rid of most of his things that she still kept with her. Except for the phone. It was still on her at all times.

Rummaging through her suitcase, she tried to locate her noise-canceling headphones, that Jackson had gotten for her when they'd both gotten into Harvard. He told her jokingly that she would need them to survive. And they had helped so much the past two years to help her concentrate on her law school homework, she couldn't help but marvel at how right he was.

As she pulled out her headphones, her elbow hit the edge of the closet, knocking over a shelf, causing an album to fall on her foot.

"Ow!" She screeched, holding her stubbed toe in her hand, as she sat down. Noticing the album, she curiously opened it.

It was filled with printed out pictures of Jackson and her. Jackson had never wanted to keep his pictures on his phone, claiming they could be lost easily and kept polaroids and colored print-outs instead. The pictures were really pretty, and Olivia understood why he liked these better. They had a better resolution too, highlighting their smiling and grinning faces.

As Olivia flipped through the album, a sealed envelope fell out, stuffed with papers. Scrunching up her nose, she realized it was addressed to her in a looping cursive font. Jackson's handwriting? What was that doing here?

Tearing it open, she emptied the contents onto her desk, first picking up the letter, and then beginning to read.

Dear Olivia,

If you're reading this, it means I didn't survive.

"Wait, he knew?" She asked herself aloud, bewildered.

It means that they're still mad at me, for something I would've done. I don't regret at all what I did. And if I had the choice, I would do it again. If I could, I would explain what I did. But, I don't even know what I did. I just knew they were angry and mad.

I probably tried to convince you to stay out of it. Then again, I may have been selfish, and not wanted to die alone, so I took you down with me. Or at least, tried to.

Olivia stared at the letter for a minute blinking away tears. 'No, you tried to convince me to stay out. You almost begged me. I thought you were being melodramatic, but...' She thought silently.

I love you so much, Olivia. But, I don't want you to spend the rest of your life pitying me. Mourn me for one month max. But, then, go live your life. Move on. Graduate from college, become the hotshot lawyer you've always wanted to be, start the business you wanted to start for people that can't afford proper lawyers. Even if I'm not there in person, I want you to be able to move on. I'm going to be with you, every single step of the way. Also enclosed in this envelope is a check and the paperwork to this property.

I love you, and I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused. As my last wish though, I want you to move on with your life and don't let me hold you back.


Olivia sits there for a moment, shocked by what she just read, millions of emotions and thoughts running through her mind. Overwhelmed, she just sits on the king-sized bed, staring blankly at the wall, unsure of what else to do. Her eyes float past to the ground and she looks at the photo album, of the picture laying on the floor.

It's of them after Homecoming, smiling at each other in pure adoration and love.

That's all it takes for Olivia to break down. She's on her side, sobbing as she clutches the envelope and the letter tighter in her left hand, as she tries to cover the sound of her silent sobs with the other.

Jackson wanted her to move on.

And so, she would try.

But first, she wanted answers.

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