09 | apologies

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a p o l o g i e s

After reading the letter, Olivia realized what she had to do.

So, after calling Anita and getting dressed up in a skirt and an off-the shoulder shirt, along with oversized sunglasses and her wallet, she called a taxi to drive her to Alan's hotel room.

The front desk receptionist remembered her, so, she didn't have to do much talking before she was let in. Olivia stood in front of the door, straightening her skirt, and nervously pushing her sunglasses up her forehead to rest on her head like a headband.

With her hand poised hesitantly as a fist, prepared to knock, she took in a deep breath, before exhaling. And then she knocked on the door.

The sound of footsteps came from inside, and as the door was hesitantly opened halfway, Olivia could see Alan standing in front of her. Shirtless.

Inhaling deeply through her nose and trying to keep her eyes from drifting lower than his face, she smiled nervously. "Hi."

"Livs? What's up?" Alan asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up. Looking at her wristwatch, Olivia realized it was 7 in the morning. Yikes.

"I was wondering if I could come in?" Olivia asks, doubtfully, wondering if he would just slam the door in her face, but he just sighed, then opened the door wider, leading her inside.

They sat down on the couch, and Olivia kept shifting uncomfortably. "So, what's up?" Alan asked, leaning forward on his knees again, making her heart beat even faster. She was totally not prepared for this.

"I wanted to apologize for what I did the other day." Olivia started, clasping her hands together tightly. "I shouldn't have run off."

"It wasn't your fault," Alan said simply. "I've accepted that I like you, and you don't like me."

"Alan," Olivia starts, her heart-shaped face taking on an expression of sadness and guilt. "It's really not like that. I'm just scared of having my heart broken again. You know how screwed-up I was after Jackson. I couldn't even talk about him then. But, you helped me."

Alan blew out a breath from his cheeks. "Olivia, I never thought you were screwed up. Even when you thought you were broken, when I first met you at the milkshake shop, I never thought that. You were just being a human. We all react to loss in our own ways."

Olivia's heart clenched at Alan's words, at the kind voice he used, and she realized how well he would do as a psychiatrist.  Almost subconsciously, she found herself leaning forward to meet his lips. At first, he was hesitant, not responding, but then he started to move his lips against her, and once again, they were kissing, except this time, it wasn't desperate, or a kiss of longing. It was just a simple, sweet kiss, one that every person fantasizes of sharing with the person they love. And Olivia wouldn't have chosen anyone else to share it with. Maybe a year ago it would have been Jackson. But now, it would be Alan.

They both pulled away, and Alan looked at her, smiling. "You really meant it that time? You actually like me back?"

Olivia smiled at him, her lips curving into one of the biggest smiles that's ever graced her pretty face. Even bigger than the ones that Jackson put on her face. "Of course I do. I just didn't know how to accept it."

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