March 28th

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Today wasn't too bad for Rae. She went through school fairly well until lunch. Over the intercom the principal said "All of our afternoon classes are cancelled for an in school dance." We all went to the gymnasium. Rae danced a bit, this was out of character for her but she brushed it off. Part way through the dance she couldn't stop thinking about Maya. Maya would've made everything better had she been there. She would've danced and sung like an idiot with Rae. Rae's good friend and crush, Noah, walked up to her and asked her to dance. She agreed but as they danced she couldn't keep looking in his eyes. She found herself looking over his shoulder anywhere but his eyes. Unluckily for her he noticed and commented on it. She laughed it off and said it was because she wasn't the type to usually be so close to anyone. Later she sat in a corner as she thought about how Maya should've been there. Noah walked up to Rae and made a joke to get her to smile. She did slightly. She didn't say anything about her being upset over Maya because Noah was good friends with Maya too. As soon as the bell rang to dismiss them Rae went straight to her locker and grabbed her phone. She saw she had a text message. She opened it briefly before closing her phone again. She knew if she read it she would probably cry. She got out her headphones and iPod and listened to music on the bus ride home. Once she got home, she forced a smile around her parents. Thy soon left, leaving Rae all alone in the house. She went into her room and opened the text. She sat on her bed and cried for almost an hour. The text was just a simple "I miss you <3" From Maya but Rae couldn't hold back her tears. Rae ended up calling her other friend Liz. Liz was the one Rae always went to when she was upset. Liz kept Rae's thoughts away from Maya until she had to hang up. Rae sat in bed and stared at the wall. She sat there silently crying and shaking until 4:17am when she finally was able to get some sleep.

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