He Hates Me | s.g.

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I walked into my apartment and went to the bathroom, not thinking of anything, just going through the motions of getting in the shower. My mind was numb, I couldn't even think about anything. I stepped under the scalding water and stood there for so long, my back went numb. I sighed and got out, going into my room. I sat on my bed in just a towel, staring at the floor. My phone went off, bringing me back to earth. I grabbed it off the nightstand and looked at the text from him, "we need to talk." I rolled my eyes and felt the sting of fresh tears prick at my eyes like needles until there were large tears running down my face and I was sobbing, clutching my phone to my chest.

I woke up, my eyes puffy and red, in nothing but my towel wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around my pillow. I sat up and looked at my phone, "fine, since you won't talk to me, I'll just tell you now. You need to come get your stuff from my apartment in the morning and leave your key." the message said and nodded to myself. I got up and got dressed, heading down two floors and stood in front of Sam's door for a minute. I didn't know if I should knock or just let myself in. I decided that if he didn't answer after I knocked, I would let myself in. I knocked on the door with a shaky hand, hoping Sam wasn't home. After a minute, I unlocked the door and took the key off the keyring as I walked in. 

I set the key on the counter and went to Sam's room. I gathered all of the clothes and various other things I had left with him over the last couple years. Looking at the pictures Sam had on his nightstand, I felt new tears fall form my eyes and I sniffed. I heard the door open and shut, putting the pictures down, I turned to leave. Sam was in the doorway and I looked away from him, sniffling again and walking past him. I left his apartment and went back to mine, shutting the door and letting the tears flow freely. I was lost.

It had been three days since I last saw Samuel. I wanted to ask how he was and if he was okay, but I figured it'd just be better if I left him alone. I sighed, knowing I had to leave my house at some point. I just couldn't. I laid in bed, thinking of all the things I needed to say to Sam when I hear my phone vibrate against the wood of my nightstand. "have you talked to sam?" it was from Colby, I typed back a simple "no." but got a reply almost instantly. "me either. he hasn't been out of his apartment in days." Colby told me and I was confused. Why would he be upset? He broke up with me.

I sighed and went downstairs to Colby's apartment, knocking on the door lightly. Soon, the door was open and Colby was bombarding me with questions. "Are you okay? Do you know if he is? What even happened? He hasn't told me anything." Colby rambled as we sat on the couch. "A few days ago, Sam and I got into a giant ass fight and he broke things off. I haven't talked to him since  got my stuff from his place." I told Colby and he nodded. "How are you doing?" Colby asked quietly. I shrugged, "not well," I told him honestly, barely above a whisper. "You should talk to him." Colby told me and I sighed. "I want to. I really want to talk to him and hold him and have him tell me we're gonna be alright but he hates me, Colby. He never wants to see me again." I sobbed out and covered my face.

Colby ran his hand over my back a few times soothingly. "That's not true, Y/N." I heard someone that wasn't Colby and my head shot up immediately. Sam was standing in the doorway of Colby's bathroom, arms crossed and tears in his eyes. "I love you, I love you so much. I don't know why I let a simple spat come between us, I should've never let that happen and it won't ever again." Sam was right in front of me now, Colby went to his room. I looked up, tears falling from both of our faces, "Sammy," I whispered, wrapping my arms around him and sobbing into his sweater. Sam ran his hand over my hair and kissed my head. "I love you," he whispered and I hugged him tighter.

"Here, I think you should have this back," Sam held out a small key in his hand and I took it, smiling. "God, I love you," I said, taking the key from him and wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing his lips to mine.

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