I'll Still Miss You. | m.d.

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I walked into the venue, being met with a very large man, "Ma'am, the doors aren't open yet." He told me and I smiled, realizing he was a security guard. "Oh, I know. I'm Mike's fiancé," I told him, "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England." He scoffed, causing me to frown, "Hey, hey, hey, she's telling the truth, bro. They're with us," Ryan came over and I smiled again as the small boy next to me hugged his "uncle." The security guard immediately dropped his tough guy act, "I'm so sorry, have a good time," I laughed a bit, "It's okay, happens all the time," I said over my shoulder as I followed Ryan toward the back of the venue.

"Okay, you guys wait here until it's almost time and then I'll come get you before we go on." Ryan told Carson and I. I nodded and he shut the door, "Mom, how long do we have to wait to see dad?" Carson asked, "I'm not sure, hun, maybe an hour," I told him, sitting next to him on the couch against the wall. "I'm so excited to see dad on stage," The five year old told me, looking at the TV in the room as people started filling the large room down the hall from us.

We watched as the screen went black due to the lights turning off and a few moments later a smiling Ryan Oakes walked into the small room. "Come on," He nodded to the side with a smile, Carson jumped up as soon as the door opened, "It's dad's turn?" He asked, Ryan nodded and I ushered Carson out of the room. We followed Ryan down the hall and up a few stairs to the side of the stage. 

Mike was already there, introducing himself to the crowd. I smiled, seeing the man of my dreams following his passion was an amazing feeling. "Dad!" Carson shouted, I covered his mouth quickly with my hand, "Carson, we're trying to surprise him. Remember?" I laughed, he nodded, "I got excited," He smiled and I nodded, pointing to Mike. Carson sang along with his dad, bouncing back and forth from foot to foot.

We rocked out to a few songs before Mike looked over to the side stage and smiled widely, waving. "Hi dad!" Carson waved with an ear to ear grin, Mike motioned for him to come out and he shook his 'no' for a second before shrugging and walking out to Mike, causing the crowd to go insane. I watched as my two favorite people in the world had the time of their lives out on that stage, smiling happily. "Sacramento, you guys fucking rocked! Thanks again guys, see you all soon!" Mike shouted into the mic before following Carson over to me. "I didn't know you guys were coming," He smiled as he kissed me, "Yeah, that's the point of a surprise." I laughed, kissing him again.

We all went back to the room Carson and I were in just an hour ago. "Did you like the show?" Mike asked Carson, "Oh yeah! It was so much fun! I got kinda hot jumping and dancing though. Is that why you're always so sweaty, dad?" Carson asked, causing us to laugh, "Yeah, bud, that's why I'm always so sweaty," Mike said, ruffling Carson's hair. "Can we go again?" Carson asked, jumping off the walls when all Mike wanted to do was sit down for a moment, "I wish, little man, but our set is over. It's someone else's turn now." Ryan patted his shoulder and Carson pouted for a minute before shrugging, "That's okay, maybe they'll have fun too," Carson sat down between Mike and I, yawning, "Tired?" I asked, running my hand through his hair, he nodded. "Well, we gotta say bye to dad then so he can go to his show tomorrow," I told him, Carson looked over to his dad, "How many more until you come home?" He asked, "Two, two more shows and then I'll be home for a long time," Mike said as he picked Carson up and set him in his lap. 

I watched with an exploding heart as my five year old son hugged his father's neck as tight as he could and just sat there for a moment. Mike wrapped his arms around Carson securely and didn't let go for a few minutes, "I love you munchkin," He told him, "I love you too, daddy." Carson told him and kissed his cheek, making him smile widely.

Mike walked us to my car and helped Carson get buckled in while I started it and turned on the heater. I stood with Mike after he got Carson settled, he stood in front of me as I leaned against the car. "As much as I love touring, I always hate being away from home for so long," He told me, "I hate you being away too," I frowned, pulling him closer to me and into a hug, "I know, baby," He rubbed my back, "Two more shows, that's it. I'll be home in a few days," He said and I nodded, "I know, I know," I rolled my eyes with a laugh, "but I'll still miss you," I told him, " I'll miss you too," He told me, kissing my lips softly.

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