Chapter 4 - Heart of the Labyrinth

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Brilliant light washed over Adrian as the magnificent doors swung open. Beyond the doors was the most beautiful room he had ever seen. Every surface was coated in gold, and a throne of the same material sat on the far side of the room. A golden statue of a portly man sat on the throne. Crystal chandeliers hung from the golden ceiling, illuminating platinum decorations displayed on beautiful pedestals.

Reverently, Adrian walked across the threshold. Was this it? Had he finally reached the center of the Labyrinth?

"Welcome," boomed a deep voice.

Adrian scanned the room for its source, but he didn't see anyone.

Suddenly, he caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, he saw that the statue was now standing.

"I don't get many visitors these days," the golden man said. He had a trimmed beard, his hair hanging just past his ears. He was dressed like some sort of medieval prince, a staff in one hand.

"Who are you?" Adrian asked. 

"I am the Grand Wizard Magordis, overseer of the Labyrinth of Mysteries," he replied. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Adrian McArterberry," he bowed. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Grand Wizard Magordis, overseer of the---"

"Oh, please," Magordis interrupted. "No need for formalities. Just call me Zed."

"Zed?" Adrian asked incredulously.

"What?" Zed shrugged. "It has a nice ring to it."

Adrian gave him a questioning look.

"Oh, yes," he sighed, "I suppose you want to know how to find the Amulet?" Adrian nodded. "If I find you worthy, you may pass."

"Is there some kind of test?" Adrian asked, approaching the throne.

Zed sat back down. "Just a few questions," he said. "Why do you seek the Amulet of Destiny?" 

"I was intrigued by stories my grandmother told me about it when I was little," Adrian replied. "And I've always been an adventurous spirit. Mostly, I wanted to see if I could. But if I succeed, I'd want to use it to make the world a better place."

"Hmm...And what makes you think you can succeed where thousands of mighty men have failed?"

Adrian frowned. He hadn't thought of that. "I...I don't know," he admitted. "I'm not better than them. I just thought....someday, someone will be chosen to hold the Amulet. The world is falling apart, and I hoped I'd be the one to save it."

"Interesting," Zed remarked. "You have a good heart, Adrian. Your humility has made you worthy."

"Wait, that's it?!" He said, perplexed.

Zed shrugged. "What more is there? You've already passed all the other tests in the Labyrinth. I've been watching your every step. If you had somehow miraculously made it here but were yet unworthy, I could have smitten you without lifting a finger. But you are worthy. The Amulet lies beyond that door," he said, gesturing to his left.

Adrian walked to the door, then turned to face Zed. "Any last-minute advice?" He asked.

He smiled. "Follow your heart, not your eyes."

At that, Adrian turned and entered the final chamber.

Lining the walls were tables, each covered in amulets of all descriptions. In the center of the room, a silver amulet embedded with a large ruby sat atop a pedestal surrounded by bones. That had to be the Amulet of Destiny. 

Adrian approached, kicking some of the bones out of his way. His hand hovered above the amulet, but he couldn't bring himself to take it.

What was with all the bones? Clearly, Adrian wasn't the first to make it this far. But what had stopped others from succeeding?

As the realization hit, Adrian smacked his forehead. How could he have been so stupid?! He had asked for advice, but was disregarding it completely. The amulet on the pedestal had to be a cursed decoy.

Groaning, he scanned the room once more. If that wasn't the Amulet, then which one was?

Closing his eyes, Adrian tried to take Zed's advice. Following his heart wasn't as easy as it sounded. He crossed the room until he felt the edge of a table. He reached out and opened his eyes to find his hand hovering over a rusted amulet, a tiny tourmaline gemstone in the center. 

Could this be it? What if it wasn't? It would surely be the end of him.

The Sphinx's words came back to him; "If you wish to succeed, do not second guess your instincts," she had said. 

He had made it this far. He couldn't go back now.

With a small gulp, Adrian reached out and wrapped his fingers around the Amulet. 

Nothing happened. Slowly, he lifted the Amulet off the table.

Still, nothing happened.

Adrian turned and walked out the door he had entered from.

"What?!" Zed sputtered when he came back in. "You're still alive?!"

"Apparently," he said. Adrian held up the Amulet. "Is this it?"

"If it weren't, my boy, you'd be dead," he replied, stepping down from the throne and approaching Adrian. "Congratulations. Many fall for the appearances of the other cursed amulets."

"It looks like something I'd find in my grandma's attic." Adrian said skeptically.

"May I?" Zed asked, reaching forward. Adrian nodded and put it in the golden man's hand. 

Zed waved his hand over the rusty surface, muttering some unintelligible words under his breath. Suddenly, a flash of light burst from his hand, and he was no longer holding the old piece of jewelry. 

Instead, he held a silver amulet with a large amethyst in the center, Elvish runes etched along the edge. "There," he said, handing the Amulet of Destiny back to Adrian. "It was  disguised."

Adrian gawked. "Thank you," he said. "Now how do I get out of here?"

"That's the real test," Zed grinned. "You have to let the Amulet show you."

"How does it work?"

"Put it on," Zed encouraged. "Then say 'Guide me,' and the Amulet will lead you to your destiny."

Adrian did as he was told. He felt a warmth tingling through his body, and he walked across the room to a door on the opposite side.

He turned to look back at Zed, who smiled. "Go," he said, "Face your destiny."

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