The Beginning

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At first, they assumed it was puppy love, nothing more than teenage melodrama. Still, they stuck together through everything, their relationship blossoming into real, sophisticated, adult love. They seemed to have been molded for each other in heaven, absolutely perfectly created for one another.

He proposed to her, they got married, and she had his child. They were young, but in love nonetheless. As they grew together, she learned of his anger, this immense, body-destroying anger that left them both in tears every time. She quickly became the only one who could calm him down, and as their family grew, his outbursts got less and less frequent. 

They named their son Beck, a beautiful little boy with long hair darker than night, and eyes like steel. He grew up to be a heartbreaker, a bad boy that all the girls loved, though still making his parents proud with his schoolwork and excellent GPA. 

When Beck was eight months old, his father told his mother his secret, expecting her to run away in fright or hate him. He almost wanted that; it would have made her and Beck's lives easier. Instead, she accepted him, and made room in their lives to fit the family-sized secret that would alter all of their lives forever. 

Years later, they decided to remove Beck from his current high school and place him in a private school with a uniform and dorm rooms for him to stay in. The switch wasn't easy on Beck, but it was what his parents wanted, and so he went, willing to do anything in his power to please his parents, for they were the only ones who ever truly loved him for who he was. 

But what happens after he moves? Read to find out. 

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