Chapter 1: New Kid?

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Hallie's POV

The day he showed up was just like any other. I had done my routine as always, and ended up at school, as always. My morning was uneventful and normal, just like always. Honestly I felt like a robot, more so that day than any other, since it was a Monday, not to mention, we had just gotten back from Christmas break. 

So I was tired, yes, but mostly bored. Everything fit perfectly into place, as it had for years, and I needed something knew. Little did I know, that day would go on to cause a series of chain events, all linking back to him. Beck. 

I was sitting in homeroom reading when my teacher walked in, late like never before, a large smile covering her flashy red lips. Sometimes she was a couple minutes late, but that day she had missed almost half the period. "Hello, class. We have a new student joining us today. His name is Beck Reynolds, and he's transferring here from a public school downtown. I know it's the middle of senior year, so please be nice to him." She said, grinning wider.

Ms Lawrence swept her arm to the side in a "grand gesture" sort of way before walking out of the room, only to duck her head back in and wag a finger at me. "Hallie, if you would please, come with me." I almost rolled my eyes at her, but I held myself back and stood up, closing my book and hugging it against my chest as I slipped my backpack on. 

"Coming." I tried not to groan, walking into the hallway to meet her. She merely waved her hand at me, snapping her fingers and pointing in the direction of the office before walking off, the click-clack of her shiny red heels the only sound in the quiet hallway. I followed behind her, trailing her fro a few feet back. I didn't want to get too close, knowing that her gaudy perfume would crowd my senses and I would sneeze uncontrollably before my asthma began acting up, making me a sneezy, not-breathing chump.

Pushing up my glasses, we reached the office, an uninviting building that almost always had its blinds closed and nearly all of its lights off, giving it an ominous feel that sent shivers down my spine. I hadn't gone there much since freshmen orientation nearly four years ago, and I was not excited to be there. 

Ms Lawrence pushed the door open, walking through without holding it open for me, making it nearly smack into my face before my arm reflexively reached out to stop it. I grit my teeth, feeling myself growing frustrated at that horrible woman that I'd hated all year. 

"Ms O'Connor, please keep up. We don't want to keep them waiting." She said snidely, her lips curling as she looked at me. As soon as she turned her head around I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. 

Suddenly, a laugh that sounded like jingle bells in the hands of carolers on a snowy winter day filled my ears and I startled, straightening my posture. I'd never heard anyone laugh like that, much less near the office. It was a place where happiness was drained and children had the life squeezed out of them every time they entered the dirt-colored building. The exterior was painted with school colors of red and white, but the paint was peeling, making it even scarier than it was already. 

"Ah! Mr Reynolds, I see Dr Patterson released you early. Hallie, this is Beck, our new student. Introduce yourself, dear." Ms Lawrence said, turning to the right where a young boy sat in a dark corner, not in uniform. I hadn't noticed him due to his dark black leather jacket and jeans, but there he was, a smile gracing his full lips as his eyes pierced into mine, making me gulp. 

"Hi, I'm Hallie. Hallie O'Connor." I said, willing my voice to not waver as I stuck out my hand for him to shake. Instead, he stood up and grabbed my hand before bending at the waist and bringing his lips to the back of my hand, barely brushing my skin, but sending goosebumps down my arms nonetheless.

"Hallie here is top of y'alls class, and you guys share seven out of your eight classes together, so Dr Patterson thought it would beneficial for her to show you around until you get the hang of it." She smiled, and I wanted to just reach over and smack the smile off of her ugly, makeup-caked face, but then I realized what she had said. Seven... out of eight... with him?  I thought, mentally cringing. I could tell from our minimal interaction that girls would be all over him, probably the extra-slutty ones who all walk, talk and act the same, and I did not want that in my life. 

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