Chapter 5

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By the time Beck got back, I was still on his couch, only this time eating chicken nuggets and fries from Chick-Fil-A, while watching a movie on my computer. X-Men Origins: Wolverine, to be exact. He walked in, a questioning look on his face.

"Where's mine?" He asked, plopping himself down onto the other couch.

"Starve." I responded, tossing a nugget into the air and catching it in my mouth, giving him a smile before going back to my movie.

"Oh! My heart!" He gasped, clutching his hands to his heart as he leaned back, pretending to be hurt. "I'm hungry," Beck pouted once more, sinking low into the couch.

"What, you didn't get food with your girlfriend before you dropped her off?" I asked a bit rudely, rolling my eyes.

"She isn't my girlfriend." He said quickly, sitting back up.

"Coulda fooled me." I mumbled, biting into a waffle fry. He scoffed, and I saw him get up and go to the kitchen out of my peripheral vision, only to come back, this time holding up a bunch of takeout menus.

"If you aren't too full from those nugs, do you wanna get takeout? I'm buying, you pick. My treat for your help on this project." Beck said, standing next to me, holding them out.

"Okay." I mumbled, taking the menus from him, flipping through. "Ooh, this place has good ramen. But I like the garlic bread from here, and ah, look, this place has suuuper good ice cream..." I trailed off, looking up at him. 

"Just order what you want from wherever. I'll pay, just like I promised. I can eat whatever, I'm so hungry." He said, chuckling a bit. I nodded eagerly, pulling out my phone and calling each place, one by one, leaving Beck's eyes wide. "How can you eat so much food? Jesus, Christ." I shrugged, telling the Chinese food guy the address. 

A while later, about thirty minutes of us sitting in silence as we watched Wolverine together, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I stood up quickly, rushing over to the door in an excited manner. Upon opening it, it became clear that ordering from so many places may not have been such a good idea, as all six of them now stood on Beck's front porch.

"Oh, thank you! I can take the food, he'll pay you." I said, grabbing the bags from each of their hands. 

"Are you guys throwing a party or something?" The pizza man asked, handing me the box.

"Nah, she just eats a lot." beck said, coming up behind me. I gasped and hit him in the arm, rolling my eyes playfully.

"You guys make a cute couple." The old lady from the Chinese place said, smiling at us.

"Oh we aren't--" Beck cut me off.

"Aw, thanks! I tell her that all the time, but she doesn't believe me." Beck said, swiping his card, going down the line of people. "Isn't that right, babe?"

"Y-yeah." I stuttered, grabbing the last bag, my hands now full. I was a good liar, but a terrible actress unless I was emotional or something, and this situation was testing my patience a bit. By situation, I mean Beck. 

"Oh here, let me help you with that." Speak of the devil. Beck said, taking some of the food from me. "You guys have a nice evening!" He called back before closing the door. 

"What the hell was that?" I asked, pursing my lips as I set all of the food down, bringing my arms up to cross on my chest. He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat down on the couch.

"Uhm... fun? I don't know, I just like messing with people, I guess." Beck said, clearing his throat.

"Ugh, okay, whatever. Do you wanna watch a movie or something? I'm kind of tired of this project. You were gone for like two hours, so I went ahead and did the research paper for you." I sat down, pulling the food over to me and grabbing my ramen. 

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