Chapter 2: Hogwarts

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       Katie had woken up from hearing a loud noise, she sat up in her bed and looked around, only to see Rose. "Sorry for the noise, Katie, but it's time to wake up, we have classes!" Said Rose To a still sleepy Katie. Katie eventually got out of bed and changed into her outfit of the day.  Lily had awoken up somewhat early, she was got out of bed and stretched quickly, she then got dressed into her outfit with her robes over it.  "Lily, where are you?" Katie had been walking around but wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into someone. "Ouch." Katie fell to the ground and her glasses fell off and onto the ground. "I am so sorry, Katie! Let me help you." It was Hugo who she had ran into, he helped her up then handed her glasses to her. "Thank you, Hugo. See you later? I have to get to potions class." Katie walked away getting embarrassed about running into Hugo. During class, Hugo came up to Katie with a pink drink, he handed it to her with a smile and said: "Um, I made you some pink lemonade." "Um, thanks?" Katie replied and drank the Pink Lemonade Scorpius walked up to her. She got extremely dizzy and fell to the ground, blacking out.
   "Katie!" Said Lily who had seen her best friend hit the floor. Lily carefully attempted to pick up Katie and failed, she had decided to get help from Hugo and Scorpius. Katie woke up in the hospital wing on a bed, she looked around to see that the first face she saw was Scorpius'. "Katie are you okay?" Lily asked she had been worried for Katie since they had known each other all their life. Katie looked to Scorpius and only Scorpius, then she said, "You saved me from death, thank you so much!" "Um... are you okay?" Asked Lily. "Of course I am! Because I'm in love!" Exclaimed Katie. Lily looked at Katie in shock. "What! What do you mean you're in love! You've only just woken up!" Lily said starting to get a bit upset at Katie. "Lily, I think you should leave." Said Katie who was starting to get upset at her friend for not accepting the fact that she just confessed that she was in love.
     Hugo came in and grabbed Lily, he sat her down outside of the room, he then walked back into the room with the others. Albus had basically appeared out of nowhere, he smiled at Lily then sat down next to her. "Hey, Lily have you seen Hugo at all?" Asked, Albus. " Yeah, he just grabbed my arm and kicked me out of the hospital wing," Lily said with a frown. "Lily?" Said Albus. " is it normal for Katie to kick you out? " Asked the boy, who was looking at her. " No, It isn't normal, not at all... " Lily replied while turning to look at the boy.


I'm sorry if this is bad. I never really write and this is all my friend and me on google docs.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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