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I walked home slowly. I didn't want to face my mother but a realization I had made me quicken my pace. My blades were at home.

I walked in the door and called out to my mother, saying hello. That's when I didn't get a response. I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge.

'Hey Izuku,
I'm going to be gone on a business trip for the next two weeks. I left some money for you! Stay safe! I love you sweetie! Call me if you need anything!

Oh good. I was alone. I ran up to the bathroom connected to my room and pulled open the drawer under the sink. Inside was a first aid kit and just beneath that sat a small pouch. I set both of the objects on the sink and opened the pouch. Inside was countless blades, some still stained with my own blood. I pulled out the one my fingers found first. I set the pouch back down and I rolled up my sleeves. I sat on the floor.
Eighty six.
Eight six new cuts. It's not like I cared much. No one did. Why would they? I'm pathetic. I cut myself. I refuse to eat. I let myself get raped by my ex-best friend daily. I'm not good at anything.

'Haha... there really is no point.' I said to myself.

Knock knock knock

Fuck. Someone was at the door. I messily wrapped bandages around my arms and ran downstairs. I peered out the peep hole.

'Why is Todoroki here!' I panicked. I opened the door shaking.

"Hello Midoriya."

"H-h-hi Todoroki!" I put a big fake grin on my face.

"Can I come in?" Todoroki said calmly.

"Y-yes of course!" I smiled but my heart sank. These bandages wouldn't hold in all the blood for much longer.

"Y-you can follow me to my room." I said trying to sound as inconspicuous as possible. I led him to my room before saying

"I'll I'll be right back, I-I gotta do a a thing..." I trailed off.

"Okay?" Todoroki said as he watched me leave him in my bedroom, entering the bathroom. 'Shit shit shit' I fumbled around, taking off my bandages quickly. I re-bandaged my arms with plenty of gauze before shuffling everything I had on the sink back into the drawer. I flushed the toilet and turned on the sink, trying to be as sly as I possibly could be. I opened the bathroom door once again. Once I saw what was in front of me, my heart sank.

•YOURS• (suicidal Deku)Where stories live. Discover now