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Josie was lost for words, she could imagine how pissed off Lizzie would be if she found out that her and Penelope had more than 1 minute make out session in the hallways.

"I was..." Josie stumbled

"Yes?" Lizzie says.

"In the showers." Josie finally gathers the words to say.

Josie was incredibly nervous waiting for the response from Lizzie expecting her not to believe her.

"Okay." Lizzie shrugs. "C'mon, it's late, we have a spells test this Friday and I seriously do not want to fail it."

"Lizzie, the test is 5 days away, you'll be fine."

"Those 5 days will go like a hand ticking on a clock. I have to be emotionally prepared for this test otherwise I will not get through it."

"Okay, well, I'm going to bed. Please don't stay up to late reading through your notes. We have plenty of time to be doing that."

"Josie! Don't disrupt me!" Lizzie yells.

"Okay... sorry." Josie quietly says.


Josie and Lizzie make their way to the cafeteria and the first person Josie sees is the beautiful sight of Penelope Park standing by the vending machine with her arms crossed. 'What a gorgeous sight' Josie thinks to herself. They sit down on an available table across from Landon, Rafael and MG.

"Hey Raf." Lizzie says flirtatiously.

"Hi Lizzie." Raf says uncomfortably.

"Well this is awkward" says Landon as he stands up and sits next to Hope sitting by herself.

"Hey gorgeous." Says Landon to Hope and kisses her.

Josie makes her way to the food table and gathers some food onto her plate.

*Penelope approaches*

"Hey," Penelope says with a smile.

Josie barely looks at her and replies "Hey."

"How did last night end up for you? " Asks P

"Last night shouldn't have happened." Josie says as she puts a cup of fruit salad on a tray.

Penelope tilts her head, smiles and says "ever?"

"No, it won't.." Josie says sternly.

"I do have feelings you know?" Penelope replies.

"Really? Apparently you didn't have feelings that night when you broke my heart." Josie says and walks away from Penelope.

Penelope is left with a sad look on her face.

Josie storms over to Lizzie.

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" Lizzie asks

"Girl issues, you don't want to know."

"Please don't tell me you're still hung up over Penelope?" Lizzie asks

"What...? No, of course not." Josie mumbles.

Lizzie let's out a small scoff. "Good. I should hope not, she is literally the worst."

"Yeah... she is." Josie says, lying to herself.

"Okay, Jojo, we need to discuss our plan for the day."

"Plans? Are you keeping a schedule now?" Josie asks.

"Yes, I must! If I don't, I won't pass the test on Friday and I'd be focused more on a specific someone."


"Yes, Rafael. Isn't he gorgeous Josie?"

"I haven't really thought about it." says Josie.
"I mean... he's cute, yes. But I wouldn't..."
Lizzie cuts her off.

"No, you wouldn't! I've got dibs."

"Of curse you do..." Josie says, under her breath.

"Now, where were we?"

After 2 painful hours of Lizzie talking constantly about her plan of acing the spells test and of how she'll score Raf. Josie leaves their dorm room and heads down to the back of the school. She finds a seat resting under a tree and plants herself down and sighs.

She glances out to the horizon and feels the wind as it blows the leaves and the trees to the west. She lowers her head and looks at her hands, she processes what has happened with Penelope and what to do with it. She admits to herself that she can't keep herself away from her. Josie is drawn to Penelope like a magnet and whatever she does, her heart leads to her, every time. The way Penelope kissed her in the hallway, her lips pressed against hers and Penelope's hands held against Josie's waist.

Josie was interrupted by MG approaching her and sits beside her.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"I heard that you and Penelope are getting along better."

"Who said that?" Josie asks.

"She did. She was talking about you."

"She was?" Josie said, blushing and smiling.

"Yeah. So are you two cool?"

"Well..." Josie sways her head from MG to in front of her. She smiles as she positions her head to the ground.
"I think we are."

"You think? You look very happy."

"I am. I just... *sighs* I don't want to get my heart broken again."

"Do you love her?" Asks MG.

"I don't know."

"It's okay, Josie. If you want, we can talk about something else."

"That might be a good idea."
"Lizzie and I are planning on studying a lot before the spells test on Friday."

"Oh? I mean... I would help you but I don't know a thing about spells and I'm not a witch."

Josie laughs. "It's okay, MG. I appreciate the offer. I'm concerned about Lizzie, she's too hung over Raf."

"Oh..." MG looks at the ground, disappointed.

"Are you okay?

"Yeah... I might have had a little crush on Lizzie."

"Oh MG, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you."

"No it's okay... you didn't know."

MG and Josie watched the sunset together and walked back to their dorm rooms

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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